*코르텐강 파빌리온 [ Barbosa & Guimarães ] Lamego Multi Purpose Pavillion

포루투갈 라메구시가 한눈에 내려다 보이는 언덕위의 커뮤니티센터에서 가장 인상 깊은 점은

도시의 관문을 여는 듯한 갈색 볼륨의 파빌리온입니다. 여기에 코르텐강의 강한

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부여하는 요소로 작용합니다. 오히려 거주민의 문화생활을 위한 스포츠시설, 120석의

오디토리옴, 다목적실, 스포츠시설에 연계된 샤워실과 탈의실 등의

주요한 공간이 내부로 숨겨져 장소를 두드러지게 표현합니다.

-파빌리온 남측 하단에 계획된 아레나타입의 계단은 커뮤니티센터를 표현하는 남측입면이자

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생각이 드는 프로젝트 입니다.

reviewed by SJ

overlooking the entire city, the leafy park of mount Santo Estêvão is directly related to the centre of the city of Lamego through the imposing Escadório do Santuário de Nossa Senhora dos Remédios, which threads its way along the Avenida das Tílias.

Architects: Barbosa & Guimarães
Location: Lamego,
Project Team: José António Barbosa, Pedro Lopes Guimarães
Project Year: 2012
Client: Lamego Renova
Photographs: Jose Campos

Located at the foot of the park, together with the monumental 18th century complex, the Multi-purpose Pavilion mellows the hillside of mount Santo Estêvão, taking advantage of the natural gradient to nullify its volume, through a plaza and an amphitheatre installed on its roof.

The current fair space, which now acts as an anteroom for the new Pavilion, was out of character. Its limits were redesigned, transforming it into a more controlled space, establishing a new relationship with the surrounding streets.

On the south elevation, where the main accesses to the building are located, the great amphitheatre allows a connection to be made between the two plazas, the new one at a high level above ground and the other at a low level.

어반파크는 새로운 방위을 얻었으며, 새로운 파빌리온과 북측 끝단과 만나면서 자연스럽게 혼합된다

The urban park gains a new orientation, the new Plaza over the Pavilion merging at its northern end.

These three new spaces, Park, Fair and Plaza, in direct conjunction with the urban axis defined by the Alameda and Escadório de Nossa Senhora dos Remédios, significantly reinforce and upgrade the public space of the city of Lamego.

The Pavilion, the anchoring facility in the intervention, allows various uses, the fruit of the multi-purpose nature of the arena and of the foyer, which their 50-metre span and ceiling height of 10 make possible. The Pavilion also offers shower facilities and changing rooms, a multipurpose room and auditorium for 120 people, which complements its versatility. With the Pavilion there will be a car park, with four underground floors, allowing streets with high and low levels to be connected.

Granite, present in the subsoil and in the architecture of Lamego, coats the new public spaces, strengthening the character of continuity and integration that the project seeks.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY