*자연을 재현하는 중정형 공동주택 [ ZigZag Architects ] Social Housing

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또다른 자연입니다. 랜드스케이프 속에 다양한 자연이 있다면 시티스케이프 속에는

다양한 건축물과 건축물이 만들어 내는 다양한 공간이 있습니다.

여기 공동주택 단지는 이와같은 컨셉으로 연을 연결합니다.

높낮이가 다른 구릉지가 연속되듯이 3층부터 7층까지 다양한 높이로

계획된 공동주택의 높이및 볼륨은 주거 프로그램을 만족시키는 가이드라인에서

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크게는 도시를 생각해야 합니다. 그속에서 우리는 자연을 봅니다.

 reviewed by SJ

Capture the place, connect with the valley again. One of the most interesting characteristics that you notice once you get to the place is that despite being in the middle of an urban building mass, you can find limited views of the fields and meadows in the valley located in the higher part of the surrounding mountains. Our first aim was to recover this double quality of the place, making the project urban and rural at the same time. It was essential to model the rigid traditional urban block of seven different heights to end up building a new volume of variable heights (three to seven stories), containing the complete residential program required.
  We wanted the building to match the environment, voids and cuttings which allowed the view of the mountains in the empty spaces between the buildings, fragments of the Asturian landscape in the distance, enabling the sun and the air to enter the inner space at the same time.

Mieres - Asturias / SPAGNA
Anno di costruzione 2006 / 2011
Premio de arquitecture - XI Bienal de Arquitectura Espanola 2011

from  duosegno


Designed by JB FACTORY