*컨테이너 모바일 하우스 [ daiken-met architects / nawakenji-m ] sugoroku office

3개의 층으로 구성된 모바일 하우스는 심플한 프레임구조로 계획되어

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장점 또한 갖고 있습니다.

reviewed by SJ

japanese practice daiken-met architects have designed and completed 'sugoroku office', their personal studio in gifu, japan. a three storey mobile framework supports stacked shipping containers, forming the work areas and future living spaces on the penthouse floor. this building represents a model solution for those interested in surpassing the difficulty involved with making rental contracts for small scale structures in their city as well as responding to the local dilemmas of decreasing population and increasing vacant land.

the firm obtained a short-term contract by proposing a temporary structure which does not require construction below street level. the steel structural grid may be easily assembled and serves to reduce loads on the containers from the weight of its shell, furniture and users. upon completion of the lease, the structure may be disassembled andreconstructed elsewhere. a casing pipe joint in the middle of columns enable and simplify this process. storage systems were formed with used plywood or packing bands found on construction sites.

location: gifu, japan
design: daiken met, nawakenji-m
use: office, housing
total floor area: 111 m2
completed: 2011

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY