런던 빅토리아 공원의 밤하늘을 새롭게 수 놓을 설치물이 계획되었습니다.
거대한 나무를 지지대로 삼아 연결된 1500개의 발광 훌라후프는 작은 동심원을
연속적으로 연결하여 거대한 서피스를 만들어 냅니다.
나무와 나무 사이에 설치되어 자연스러운 캐노피 역활을 수행하는 주간과 달리
야간에는 1500개의 고리에서 발산되는 다양한 컬러가 도시공원의 새로운 분위기를
만들어 냅니다. 또한 런던올림픽 기간 중에 설치, 운영되는 설치물은
올림픽을 위해 런던을 찾는 많은 관광객들에게 색다른 공간적 체험을 선사할 것 입니다.
reviewed by SJ
Simple Materials form Complex Illusion
In an attempt to transform a public space, 1500 translucent hula-hoops were suspended from trees in London’s Victoria Park. By day Aurora's hoops appear to hang effortlessly amongst the tree’s canopy, thanks to a rigid structural plan directed by engineers Price and Myers. At night, a clever lighting strategy allows the draping pavilion to assert its presence and animate the space with varying colour projections.
Designers (and recent University of Westminster grads) Jamie Pearson and Lemma Redda realized the sculptural installation, where it’s hanging for the duration of the London Olympic Games.
The structural frame is made from a series of steel rods hung from
steel cables. Bespoke hula-hoops are cable-tied to steel footings which
were parametrically designed, shifting the bearing angle of the hoops to
create a wave-like effect across its surface.
The project was
commissioned by the Mayor of London, as part of a student competition to
present a public space in new light. Once the sculpture is dismantled
the hoops will be distributed to schools and youth clubs throughout the
country, giving the scheme its own legacy – a prime concern of the
London Olympics.
from frameweb