*회사 브랜드를 랜드마크화 하기 [ KjellgrenKaminsky Architecture ] Lecor Headquarters

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reviewed by SJ

Swedish steel manufacturer Lecor’s new headquarters are a landmark for the brand, showing off its different skills with colourful highlights and overhanging features.

Located in Kungälv, near Gothenburg, the project was realized by KjellgrenKaminsky Architecture and contains offices, meeting rooms, a library and bathrooms. The building is coated mainly with dark grey steel panels, though certain bright units add pops of colour. 

The entrance bulges in a light blue frame, under an overhanging yellow steel and glass cube. Yet, the most striking feature is a cantilevered green ashlar encased by a huge steel space frame. It is positioned clearly visible on top of the building and contains a conference room and outdoor terrace. 

The use of color amplifies once inside the building. Every room has its own play of colors: the entrance hall is black and white, carpet and walls of the library are pink, and blue and green combine with yellow and white floors in bathrooms. 

from  framweb


Designed by JB FACTORY