*중국 장쑤성 우시 그랜드 시어터 [ PES-Architects ] Wuxi Grand Theatre


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클래식공연과 중국식 오페라, 발레 그리고 심포니 오케스트 뮤직을 감상 할 수 있는

1680석의 대형 극장 공간과 680석 규모의 다목적 퍼포먼스 홀로 구성됩니다.


우시 그랜드 시어터의 건축적 이미지를 구현하는 여덟개의 잎 또는 날개와 같은

형상은 테라스와 같이 적층되며 커다란 나비의 날개로 그랜드 시어터의 랜드마크를 정의하는

건축적 장치로 활용됩니다. 예술작품을 만들어 내는 공간이 바로 예술품이 되는 것입니다.

추가로 이 날개들은 생태학적인 컨셉에서 매우 중요한 요소로 작용하는데 그것은 태양의 열기를

다이렉트로 내부로 들어오는 것을 막아주는 역활을 수행한다.


reviewed by SJ


PES-Architects have designed the Wuxi Grand Theatre in Wuxi, Jiangsu, China.

The Wuxi Grand Theatre is located on a man-made peninsula of Wu-Li Lake, south of Wuxi centre city and is the most important new cultural building project of the Tai-Hu New City. The Wuxi Grand Theatre due to its location and its architectural image is the newest landmark building in the Wuxi area.

The new complex contains a wide variety of functions, but most noticeably it will house the 1680 seat Grand Theatre for classical and Chinese opera, ballet, and symphony orchestral music and a Comprehensive Performance Hall with a capacity 690 seats.

The main architectural image of the Wuxi Grand Theatre consists of eight leaves, or wings, which, together with the terraced stone plinth give the impression of a butterfly descending onto the shore of the Wu-Li Lake. This artist and sculptural form creates a landmark building for Wuxi’s new performing arts center. PES-Architects wanted to give such a form to this new art institute so that the building itself becomes a work of art – a big sculpture. In addition to this the wings are an important part of the ecological concept as they protect the building mass from the direct heat of the sun.

In order to take full advantage of its lakeside location, the main entrance and public spaces have been raised from the surrounding level creating a stone plinth. On the top of this sits the two stone auditoriums, which are linked by the glazed entrance lobby with open views across Wu-Li Lake.

There are additional views across the lake and to the direction of the old city from the two public lakeside foyers and the terraces connected to them.

A second public entrance is provided from the lower lakeside level and under the plinth are the technical and service facilities, shared by both auditoriums, as well as parking areas for staff and services, the audience and for VIP guests.

from  contemporist


Designed by JB FACTORY