*붉은 박공 지붕 [ g.bang ] psychiatric centre

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활동성에 따라 즉각적인 반응한 다양한 형태의 연속적인 박공지붕으로


활동성이 많은 퍼블릭 스페이스의 상부 지붕은 폭이 좁고 높은 박공 지붕 형태를

취하며,  이보다 활동성이 적은 휴게공간에서는 완만한 박공지붕 형태를 만나 볼 수

있습니다. 물론 평지붕은 그보다 더 정적인 공간을 이야기 하고 있습니다.

이러한 형태를 만드는 강렬한 붉은색의 징크판넬은 건축물의 컨셉을 보다

간결한 형태로 강력하게 전달합니다.

-뇌파를 측정할때 쓰는 뇌파측정기가 그려내는 다양한 주파수와도 많이 닮아 있습니다.-

reviewed by SJ

A psychiatric centre in Zaragoza, Spain, is pushing away stigma with eye-catching colour and a mountainous roof.

The roof of the Neuropsychiatric Centre Our Lady of Carmen is a representation of the activities and mental simulation taking place in the building below. The two buildings’ tops range from flat to gentle gables to spiked spears. The sharply jagged peaks appear above rooms of activity, such as the common areas. The calm areas, for sleeping or resting, have relaxed peaks. The flat roofs are for the staff members’ quarters.

The entire exterior of the buildings, from façade to pointed roof, is a fiery red. The bright zinc covering was chosen as a symbol of visibility to challenge the traditional practice of disguising and hiding asylums.

The exterior might be diversion from tradition, but the interior is all clinically white walls. The facility incorporates an enclosed courtyard to capture sunlight. The project was realized by architect José Javier Gallardo Ortega of ///g.bang///.

from  frameweb


Designed by JB FACTORY