*순례자를 위한 거대한 이정표, 모놀리식 콘크리트 기둥 [ christ & gantenbein ] cerro del obispo lookout point

멕시코 117 킬로미터 순례의 길, 그리고 그곳에 위치한 9개의 랜드마크.

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reviewed by SJ

'cerro del obispo lookout point' also referred to as the 'pilgrim's column' by basel-based practice christ & gantenbein is now complete in cerro del obispo, mexico along the ruta del peregrino. one of the nine landmarks along the 117 kilometer journey from ameca to the shrine of the holy virgin of talpa in talpa de allende, this single tower of concrete rises above the craggy mountainscape. positioned upon the 2,000 meter high peak of cerro del obispo, the monolithic form takes on a bone-like shape. the undulating footprint is extruded into a 26.55 meter tall structure.

visitors enter through a single small entrance to find daylight filtering downwards from the open roof. light enters the amoeba-shaped
skylight and is diffused on the surface of the concrete walls, ultimately gathering on the floor. four protrusions which form the exterior's shape become rounded contemplative corners.

project title: cerro del obispo lookout point
cerro del obispo
christ & gantenbein
emanuel christ, christoph gantenbein, andrea sauter, jennifer schmachtenberg, kai timmermann

title of the whole project:
pilgrim’s route
secretary of tourism of jalisco; secretary of tourism aurelio lopez rocha
pilgrim’s route masterplan
from ameca to talpa de allende, jalisco, mexico.
curatorial team:
tatiana bilbao and derek dellekamp
masterplan and project coordination:
tatiana bilbao, derek dellekamp and rozana montiel
research team:
rozana montiel/periférica, adiranne montemayor, carlos zimbrón
invited architects:
luis aldrete / luis aldrete | arquitectos (mexico), tatiana bilbao / tatiana bilbao s.c. (mexico),
derek dellekamp / dellekamp arquitectos (mexico), alejandro aravena / elemental (chile), emanuel christ and christoph gantenbein / christ & gantenbein (switzerland),
tilo herlach, simon hartmann, simon frommenwiler / hhf architects (switzerland), rozana montiel / periférica (mexico), ai weiwei / fake design (china)
invited designers:
godoylab (industrial), omar orlaineta (graphic), toa taller de operaciones ambi- entales (environmental)

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY