*스티븐 손드하임 극장 리뉴얼 프로젝트 [ Cook + Fox Architects ] Stephen Sondheim Theater

1918년 지어진 헨리밀러 퍼포밍 아트센터 리뉴얼 프로젝트는 도시 예술의 단편을

새롭게 재구성하여 지금 뉴욕의 다양한 생산적 예술행위와 커뮤니티를 통합하는데 있습니다.

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예술공간의 집합체로써 극장이 나아갈 바를 투명하게 제시함으로써

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그래도 무엇보다 니드 플래티넘을 수행한 건축 디자인으로써 향후 극장공간과

문화공간이 나아갈 바를 모범적으로 제시하는데 의이가 있다 할 수 있겠습니다.

reviewed by SJ

The Stephen Sondheim Theater, designed by , is a state-of-the-art performing arts center in New York City built on the site of the 1918 Henry Miller’s Theater.  The new building is housed behind a restored facade that has been landmarked and is a valuable  asset to the artistic history of the city.  The seating capacity ranges from 950 to 1055, increased from its original capacity, will still preserving the intimate scale, proportions and character of its predecessor.  The theater is adjacent to One Bryant Park - the LEED Platinum skyscraper also designed by Cook + Fox – and shares its energy efficient on-site power cogeneration and water recycling systems.

Architects: Cook + Fox Architects
Client:  Bank of America at One Bryant Park, LLP, a joint venture between The Durst Organization and Bank of America
Location: , NY
Completion:  2009
Size: 50,000 SF

The interior spaces retains a sense of the time and place that belongs to Henry Miller’s Theater.  Vignettes of artifacts are layered within the new architectural fabric, includes decorative plasterwork and vintage doors from the original construction.  Where new architectural interventions were necessary, the team did not attempt to falsify a narrative of the past.  Instead, the contemporary alterations are juxtaposed to historic elements, that, where possible, were restored and reconstruction – such as the black and white checkered floor.

Cook + Fox’s design strives to set a standard for a new generation of performing arts facilities.  Their goal was to create a comfortable and healthy environment for audiences, cast and crew.  This includes a fresh air system that filters out 95% of particulate matter, while carbon dioxide sensors deliver extra ventilation as necessary.  The project has received LEED Gold certification from the US Green Building Council, making it the first Broadway theater to attain a high level of environmental responsibility. Expressing a sincere respect for both Henry Miller’s vision and the city’s vision for a more sustainable future, the new theater makes a strong statement on behalf of a new generation of the Broadway community.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY