물성에 대한 또 다른 실험.
콘크리트0023은 붐바이에 본사를 둔 패브릭 디자인, 제조를 하는 회사의
전시 및 갤러리들 담당하는 장소입니다. 이 공간의 목표는 현대적인 모던공간의 주 재료인
콘크리트와 내부공간을 이루는 다양한 오브제-의자, 테이블, 쇼파, ..-와의 상관관계를
정의하는 곳입니다.
reviewed by SJ
‘Concrete 0023′ is a permanent exhibition/gallery space for a fabric design and manufacturing company based in Mumbai. The studio’s direction currently is towards designing and exploring objects and spaces using concrete as a primary material; designed to house and launch a new collection of fabrics of mumbai based manufacturing and designing company, ‘concrete 0023′ is space exploring ideas and avenues using this idea.
Architects: studio eight twentythree
Location: Andheri, Mumbai, India
Year: 2012
Photographs: Courtesy of studio eight twentythree
Using only primary elements such as concrete, wood and stone, and most of them incorporated in their natural form was the basic guideline or concept for this project. One wall specifically is finished incorporating concrete tiles 2′ x 2′ wide,designed and manufactured by the studio especially for the project. Similar tiles but in smaller sizes of 8” x 8” are incorporated into the floor where the main fabric collection is hung, they are lined by black basalt stone providing contrast in finish and texture to the floor.
Other walls are explored using polished concrete on the surfaces with varying degrees of mixes, which gives each surface a different look; the uncertainty of the final outcome makes it all the more interesting. Each wall acts as a backdrop for various artifacts and curios that the clients have been collecting over the years, leaving much of the floor space open and uncluttered for visitors coming to the gallery.
from archdaily