*컬러로 재탄생하는 19세기 타운하우스 [ Pedro Gadanho ] The GMG House In Torres Vedras, Portugal

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reviewed by SJ

Pedro Gadanho is a very active figure in all that encompasses architecture. Known as a teacher, curator and writer as well as an architect, he makes sure that his knowledge base covers, well,  nearly everything on structure & design. Based in Lisbon, he is the editor of the BEYOND Short stories on the Post-Contemporary - a bookazine,  he writes the Shrapnel Contemporary blog and contributes regularly to international publications. We came across him through his 2010 GMG House creation in Torres Vedras, Portugal.

This 400sqm residence is a vibrant theatrical house, which a character from a Tim Burton movie would gladly reside in and start living adventures! Great changes were made to this once gloomy 19th century sizeable townhouse, the most radical of which was turning the existing entrance and stairwell into a triple height connector and painting it a light turquoise. This is in fact where the fun begins; as soon as you walk in sporting an oversized cartoon like smile. Looking inside the playful structure, it is all about the angles and shapes where the dramatic shape interventions insert themselves almost surgically into the existing space.

When taking in the sliced detailing, the round edges and the space compartments take you back to reminisce about the 1960’s, all combined with a new sense of great modernity. The master bedroom with the headboard/cupboard division is a perfect example. In this fully refurbished attic, the palette is solely white with an angular ceiling play. Stepping out onto the terrace, it’s once more about fun and games with the uneven floor boards making life that much more exciting. Overlooking the Y.K. blue swimming pool and the view out into the real world, you are have an overwhelming feeling of thankfulness for architects such as Gadanho who think outside the box and well into the dream.

from  yatzer


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