사용자 삽입 이미지

사용자 삽입 이미지

사용자 삽입 이미지

사용자 삽입 이미지

사용자 삽입 이미지

사용자 삽입 이미지

Agriculture is a technique, sometimes the practice, aimed at transforming the primary elements (such as water, earth, oxygen, energy ...) in food variety. It is defined at the same time as the science of the exploitation of natural resources organic. Modern agriculture is increasingly basa sull'iniezione energy outside the system. The traditional practices used before the green revolution had the defect of not being able to offer products in large quantities and economic attractive to the consumer, but above all consistent with the standards of quality and security imposed by law and adapted to the processes of transformation Industrial.

A branch of this traditional agriculture today takes the name of "organic farming", which even today is undoubtedly a niche market and offers affordable only for part of the population. On the other hand, intensive agriculture presents development problems of soil and for this reason, every year, grows in areas more attentive to environmental problems, the need for an echo-technology agriculture.

[May 6, 2008]

With the construction of this garden, at the same time orchard and vegetable garden, it was understood enhance traditional agriculture and seasonal products, imagining a "menu Km 0". They are inside citations of ancient farming techniques, as the screw married to fruit trees and garden of simple, which was the medieval garden where the monks cultivated plants.

A large table, completely immersed in the world of agriculture, leaves the soil to collect the goods and at the same time create a place of sharing and exchange. From seed, the product, to the table: a moment where convivial understand how the landscape depends on the consumption of these products ... more products of the earth eat, the more the landscape will be enhanced.

The richness of the landscape, represented by the totem white boxes for preserved tin, is closely linked with that of our diet. The garden also wants to allude to the fact that today is no longer the case of contrasts between "natura naturans" and "nature naturata", but that is more appropriate to think that everything is landscape.

As the table is a strip of soil that breaks away from the earth, but then returns to earth, so around the table that consumes passage between farmed landscape, its transformation into merchandise and finally the return to eat through the landscape of the body, where occurs in their last energy, thoughts, dreams: the landscape of the mind. And then comes back the memory of stone table crossed by a strip of water at Villa Lante where the ritual of coenatio marks the passage from the garden of emotions to the garden of the mind.

(from the project report)


Designed by JB FACTORY