*자연과 교감하는 엠지 하우스 [ MZ House ] CHK Arquitectura

엠지 하우스가 추구하는 주거환경은 자연환경과의 교감입니다.

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이러한 외부환경- 풍부한 자연과 연속적인 굴곡으로 인하여 공간이 클러스터되는

환경-은 개방된 자연과의 교감과는 조금 다른 밀착적이며 부분적인 또는 개별적인

공감대 속에 주거를 담습니다. 이러한 개별적인 레벨공간은 지형을 따라 자연스럽게

형성되며 각기 다른 뷰포인트에서 자연과 만나게 됩니다. 그리고 또한 자연과의 밀착도를

높이는 지역적 재료의 사용은 주거를 한층더 밀착시킵니다.

이렇게 형성된 엠지하우스는 내부로는 유기적인 공간 배치를, 내외부로는 다양한

외부환경과의 동조를, 외부로는 차폐된 주거환경으로 디자인 됩니다.

reviewed by SJ

Located in Valle de Bravo lake in Mexico, the project is located on a steep slope, and with boundaries irregular in its geometry.

Bordered by a brook of clear water and by the lake itself, at one very narrow end there is a bridge that provides the only access to the site; the remaining sides are limited by the vegetation of neighbouring constructions and by thick forest.

Though blessed with beautiful views to the lake and to the brook, the site does not offer up these sights at first glance; they can only be seen from different levels of the terrain and through the surrounding forest. It is therefore necessary to locate the different functions of the programme in the more or less privileged zones, according to their importance.

The programme is designed to provide the best views for the public spaces in a horizontal arrangement, and for the private quarters in a vertical disposition.

The plastic expression of these volumes, how they are built, and the circulation among them are the theme through which the project expresses itself.

The cuts and stalls on the terrain are resolved using walls of stone from the area. Other lighter elements are built from poured concrete or brick to divide spaces, and glass panelling is placed where the views so require. The flooring is a lightened concrete system over steel and wooden beams.

The relation of the different spaces to the sometimes very massive terrain, as well as the views they provide (seeking transparency most of the time), give the project a complex interplay of weight and levity.

MZ House
Valle de Bravo, Estado de Mexico, Mexico.

Designed in: 2009
Built in: 2010 to February 2012
Architect: Eduardo Hernandez Ch.
Interior Design: Eduardo Hernandez Ch.
Decoration: Gloria Cortina
Design team: Adrian Peña R., Ivan Caballero H., Cristian Olguin M.
Structural Engineering: Arturo Hernandez Toriz
Landscape Architecture: Kees Van Rooij
Contractor: Mexvisa / Juan Calderon. P. Olvera.
Photography: Yoshihiro Koitani
Renders: Daniel Ceceña
Constructed area: 780m²

from  plusmood


Designed by JB FACTORY