*독일 울름시에 위치한 유대인 커뮤니티 교회 [ KSG ] synagogue and community centre

폭 24미터, 깊이 16미터, 높이 17미터의 단일 볼륨, 그위로 마감된 라임스톤

심플함 속에 인상적인 별모양의 오프닝이 조화를 이루는 건축물.

독일 울름시에 새롭게 신축된 유대인커뮤니티 교회를 바라보는 첫번째 시선입니다.

이러한 시선의 시작은 대지가 갖고 있는 장소성에서 기인합니다.

1938년 유대교회가 있던 자리로, 세계 2차 대전으로 파괴되었던 것을

재구성함으로써 장소성의 복원과 더불어 유대인들의 영적 생활의 끈을 다시 연결합니다.

동일한 연속성을 보이는 내부의 단일공간은 건축물의 직교축을 따라

포이어, 유대교회실, 침례실, 미팅홀, 스쿨 그리고

사무실로 배치되는 상층부 공간과 남동측코너로 부터 대각선으로 펼쳐진

그라운드 레벨의 대예배실로 구성됩니다.  예배당의 대각선 방향은

예루살램과 연결되는 성스러운 축입니다. 그리고 이 축선상에 있는

코너의 오프닝은 600개의 다비드 별로 예루살램과 유대교회를 연결하는 동시에

외부의 자연채광을 통한 내부의 성스러운 빛으로 유입시키는 역활을 합니다.

심플함과 독창적인 패턴이 조화를 이룹니다.

reviewed by SJ

In the new synagogue and community centre for the Jewish community of Ulm, KSG have opted for a compact, limestone-clad volume, where a striking perforated window allows light to pour inside the prayer spaces. A news report from Ulm

German architects Kister Scheithauer Gross (KSG) have recently completed a synagogue and community centre for the Jewish community of Ulm. Both programs are included in one single building, at 24 meters wide, 16 deep and 17 meters high, located in a historical site, close to the city's forme synagogue. "In the Kristallnacht in 1938, the former synagogue, which was enclosed in a road side development, was destroyed," explains KSG partner and architect in charge of the project Susanne Gross. "After World War II, a secular building was constructed in the space. The synagogue and the Jewish community lost its ancestral place in the centre of Ulm." The new synagogue seeks to reclaim its location. "With no constructed borders, it stands abrupt and solitary on the Weinhof," remarks Gross.

The continuous, homogeneous structure gathers all spaces within: foyer, synagogue, Mikvah (ritual bath), meeting hall, school and administrative rooms as well as a child day care centre with an enclosed outdoor playing area, located directly above the sacral room. Most of the spaces are arranged orthogonally, while the synagogue is diagonally positioned, facing southeast, the direction of Jerusalem. This particular layout allows for a corner window in the sacral room, where 600 openings shaped like the Star of David create a striking pattern which allows light to pour inside the space, focusing on the Torah shrine.

The prayer room can accomodate up to 125 people, including 40 spaces in the women's gallery. Interior fittings of the synagogue are partially based on KSG designs, such as the dodecagon holder, a symbol for the twelve lines of the people of Israel. Rabbi Shneur Trebnik, together with the IRGW representatives, selected the seating and ordered the construction of the Torah shrine, including the bimah, a raised platform with a lectern, from which the Torah is dictated. All three elements were constructed in Israel.

Kister Scheithauer Gross architects and urban planners: synagogue and community centre
Client: Israelite Religious Community of Württemberg
Architects: Kister Scheithauer Gross architects and city planners, Cologne (KSG)
Design/responsible partner: Susanne Gross
Project manager, artistic director: Grzegorz Rybacki
Team: Fritz Keuten, Matthes Langhinrichs, Stefan Schwarz, Paul Youk
Project management: NPS Bauprojektmanagement GmbH, Ulm
General contractor: Matthäus Schmid Bauunternehmen GmbH & Co. KG, Baltringen
Structural analysis: W.Naumann & Partner, Köln
Thermo gravimetric analysis: ZWP AG, Köln
Acustica: ISRW Dr.-Ing. Klapdor GmbH, Düsseldorf
Building physics: Ing.-Büro für Bauphysik Heinrichs, Köln
Fire safety: BFT Cognos, Aachen
Completion: December 2012
Total built area: 1,980 square metres
Cost: 4,6 million euro

from  domusweb


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