*캔틸레버 스틸빔, 구조는 건축과 자연을 하나로 묶는 열쇠 [ jose maria saez + daniel moreno flores ] algarrobos house, ecuador

중력을 거스르며 뻗어 있는 장중한 구조체가 인상적인 주거프로젝트는

건축과 자연 그리고 이것을 연계하는 공간이 스스럼 없이 만나도록 디자인 합니다.

앞서 이야기한 것처럼 이번 프로젝트에서 형태적으로 가장 인상깊은 특징은 주거공간을

구조적으로 구축하는 8개의 장중한 스틸빔 입니다.

이 메시브한 스틸빔은 18미터에 달하는 길이로 각각 x,y,z 축의 모든 방향으로 뻗어 나가는

동시에 교차 및 오버랩을 하며 각 개별적인 보이드 스페이스를 형성합니다.

그리고 다시 이 보이드 스페이스를 서브구조체인 우드프레임을 이용하여

내부의 각 프로그램으로 구체화 합니다. 이렇게 담겨진 각 개별적 공간은

그리드 스페이스 안에서 유기적으로 배치되며, 경사면 아래로 펼쳐진 파노라마 뷰포인트를

내부로 유입및 동조 시킵니다. 그결과 주거공간은 자연스럽게 외부환경속으로 확장되며

사라지게 됩니다. -merge-

인상적인 구조적 미와 풍부한 자연환경이 조화를 이룹니다.

reviewed by SJ

not all projects have the luck or the privilege of being located on a breathtaking site, this is not one of those projects. situated at the top of a valley overlooking the mountains of puembo, ecuador, amongst deep crevices, snow-covered caps, plateaus and native vegetation is the 'algarrobos house' designed by local architect jose maria saez and ecuadorian architect daniel moreno flores for a private family. the peculiar context posed a great challenge: to bring the grandiose presence of the landscape to a relatable, digestible human scale; as a result, the residence is based around three points: the user, the function, and the surroundings. the structure then follows these principles, with a concrete foundation embedded into the hillside setting the floor areas and dimensions of different rooms.

the most notable feature is comprised of eight massive 18-meter long steel beams that overlap each other on the x,y, and z axes. like arms reaching out in all directions, the girders provide cantilevered structures from which certain parts of the program are allowed to nest, being immersed into the scenery with unabridged views. they also act as an intermediary between the larger site lines and the smaller-scale elements of the house.
filling the voids between the members and further defining individual spaces are a substructure of wooden  frames, whose repetition and simplicity bring the scale down one step further to delineate several functions without confining them into being literal 'rooms,' still allowing a direct exposure to the exterior.

start date: 2009
construction: 2010-2011
construction: luis guaman
collaborators: margarida marques, estefanía jácome, santiago vaca, claudia ponce, estefanía luna, adrián beltrán, joe jivaja, dennise paredes, valentina benalcazar.
engineer: césar izurieta
cost: 290,000
floor area: 338 m2
total area: 495 m2

to complete the construction, a transparent glass skin wraps the entire construct, not only helping to insulate the interior but adds a new layer of complexity to the project in the form of angles and reflectance. the design is very much rooted in the dwelling's relationship to the site, in addition to the owner's relationship to the dwelling. the three dimensional planes of glazing and rooftop reflecting pools allow a new connection to the landscape, at times offering a simple view from various elevations, at others reflecting the landscape so that the hearth essentially disappears.

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY