*스페인 보육학교 그 컬러풀한 파사드에 숨은 비밀은 [ Javier Larraz + Iñigo Beguiristain + Iñaki Bergera ] Nursery School in Berriozar

스페인 Berriozar에 위치한 보육학교는 Reggio Emilia 이탈리안 시립학교의

원칙에 따라 설립됩니다. 이러한 원칙은 아이들이 생활하는 거주환경을 안전하며 쾌적한 보육공간으로

조성하는데서 시작합니다. 이 거대한 사각공간은 아이들을 위한 그룹, 교육, 미팅 공간과 서비스공간

서로 교차시키며 교내의 아이들의 활동공간을 확보하는 동시에 지속적인 관찰이 가능하도록

획되어 집니다. 이러한 건축적 특징은 건축물 양끝단에 하늘로 열린 두개의 중정을 기점으로 하는

두개의 오픈 스페이스 구역과 중앙부에 위치한 교실과 서비스실로 배치됩니다. 이러한 공간적 배치는

다이렉트로 내외부를 연결 소통시킴으로써 공간의 효율적인 흐름을 만들어 냅니다.

여기에 크로마틱 디스플레이를 통한 파사드 디자인은 건축물의 정체성을 확보하는 동시에

아이들에게는 유쾌한 놀이공간으로 제공됩니다. 이러한 디스플레이 디자인은 서로 다른 두개의

스케일을 혼합하여 아이들의 놀이와 내부 디자인을 만족시키는 디자인으로써

아이들의 놀이환경을 제공하는 동시에 보호자 및 관찰자의 시각적 조망을 원활하게 한다.

아이들에게는 다양한 컬러의 세로 막대기들이

보호자들에게는 그 열린 틈으로 아이들의 행동이 관찰된다.

디자인과 기능은 이렇게 만난다.

reviewed by SJ

According to Louis I. Kahn the first school began under a tree, when a man who knew he was a teacher began to discuss what he had learned with others who did not know they were students. Like those students, children under 3 years old learn intuitively and unconsciously. Drawing a parallel with the story of Kahn, one might wonder about the role that tree, that is, architecture, plays in the practice of teaching. We strongly believe in the pedagogical value of architecture and, in the case of a nursery school, its actual capacity to create opportunities that help children to develop suggestive, attractive and safely this stage of their life.

The nursery school in Berriozar is established according to a model inherited from the Italian municipal schools of Reggio Emilia, where childcare facilities are primarily organized around a main ‘square’ that serves as interaction and meeting point and as a space meant for the common activities of the school. Given the distinctive longitudinal proportion of the plot, the square had to be placed in a central position along with two separate courtyards at the ends. Thus, the classrooms and facilities moved into an intermediate position, directly connected to both the central square –illuminated and understood as an outer space– and the playgrounds, treated as an extension of the physical and visual interior spaces.

Architects: Javier Larraz, Iñigo Beguiristain, Iñaki Bergera
Location: , Navarra,
Area: 1,278.01 sqm
Year: 2012
Photographs: Iñaki Bergera

Collaborator: Juan Miguel García
Technical Architects: Atec Aparejadores
Engineering: Naven Ingeniería de Instalaciones
Structure: FS Estructuras

This plant layout forces to act on the deck in order to naturally illuminate and ventilate all rooms. The powerful geometry of these skylights, that arise depending on the activity that takes place on the ground, becomes one of the hallmarks of the project. The construction is arranged from a modulated structure of reinforced concrete that qualifies and defines both the inner space and the way in which light falls on it. A colorful lattice wraps the building and its playgrounds, clarifying and enriching the relationship between the street and the interior spaces.

Given this external chromatic display linked to childlike and playful character of the building, the interior offers a serene and neutral atmosphere thanks to the generous overhead homogeneous and natural lighting. The dual scale and play are, finally, the two fundamental tools used to define the interior space and the equipment. The inescapable playful condition of the spaces complements with the dimensional control in relation to the different sizes of children and caregivers and the different objectives pursued: for kids, premises adapted to the activities an the size of the groups and, for caregivers, high permeability and transparency to facilitate visual control of children.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY