*실내 실내클라이밍 센터 [ Stadtlabor and Wolfgang Meraner ] Vertikale Kletterhalle Brixen

실내암벽 등반을 위한 스포츠 커뮤니티 센터

외부 자연환경은 반투명막을 투과하며 내부 레로츠 스페이스로 유입된다.

내부에 설치된 화이트 설치물은 클라이밍 레포츠를 위한 암벽을 재현한

인공물로 그 위에 덧붙여진 컬러풀한 손잡이와 조화를 이루며

또다른 조각품으로 재구성된다.

Indoor Rock Climbing, Brixen

The indoor rock climbing hall in Brixen arises close to the historic center and is therefore – compared to other similar sport infrastructures – designed with a high aesthetic and artistical claim.

Client: Community of Brixen, Italy
Architecture: ARGE Mutschlechner, Architekten Lanz, Arch. Wolfgang Meraner
Contractor: Frener & Reifer
Installation Engineering: Transsolar
Light advice: Halotech, Zumtobel

Nature and landscape are transported into the building through a transparent façade design; at the same time, the inside remains visible to the outside. The multi-layer facade creates a moiré effect, generating always new impressions for the moving observer and both the users inside as also the viewer outside in a dynamic relationship to the climbing gym provides.

In the planning of the climbing hall, ecological aspects and sustainability were essential. Through detailed planning and a sophisticated climate control system with multi-layer façade assembly, ventilation and heat storage by intermediate zones in the facade construction, as well as creation of thermal mass in the building. With the use of solar energy, the seasonally changing façade envelope and natural ventilation, mechanical cooling is not necessary and results in significant cost savings for construction and operating costs.

The climbing hall is south-facing from the new town square, facing north from the upper City Park a connection to the new underground car park is provided; the disabled access guarantees also the use for therapeutic purposes.

The open design of the climbing hall with free-standing climbing towers allows a view outwards on park and square, as well as inward on the entire hall. The technical concept makes the climbing hall suitable for sport climbers and recreational climbers, for training and competition.

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY