*스위스 하우스 리노베이션 [ savioz fabrizzi architectes ] house renovation in chamoson

스위스 산속에 위치한 오랜된 하우스(1814년) 리뉴얼 프로젝트는

지역적 특성을 고스란히 담고 있는 공간의 시간을 현재, 미래까지 연장한다.

로컬 디자인은 기술적으로 발전하지 못한 건축환경에서 기인한 점도 있지만

건축이 국소적으로 활동함으로써 자기 영역 내의 환경과 동질화, 동기화되어

장소성을 갖게 되는 장점을 갖게 된다.

여기 하우스 리뉴얼 프로젝트는 이러한 관점에서 기존에 낡아 더이상 사용하지 못하는

요소만을 제거-낡은 나무 판넬-하여 새로운 콘크리트로 대체하는 최소한의

개입을 통하여 과거의 시간과 현재의 공간을 연결 한다.

스위스의 풍부한 자연을 닮은 석재와 조화롭게 사용된 콘크리트는

원래부터 하우스의 제것인냥 꼭 들어 맞는다.

reviewed by SJ

originally erected in 1814 in the mountain town of chamoson, switzerland, the latest house renovation by swiss practice savioz fabrizzi architectes marks the last major structural modification on a dwelling that has evolved throughout the decades all the while holding onto its unique history. the thick stone masonry walls reflect the sturdy construction of the era, born of the same rock that famously defines the jagged backdrop. the deep stone envelope also provides a natural coat of insulation and thermal mass, shading the interior spaces in the summer with inset windows and benefiting from a large thermal mass in the winter. the renovation preserves the soul of the residential edifice by leaving the exterior in as much of its original form as possible, replacing the deteriorating wooden planks that wrap the attic with a contemporary concrete  shell that still matches the general color of the facade. the window wells also provide one of the first hints as to the updated interior, with thin cast frames that subtly provide structural support and match the contemporary needs of a smooth orthogonal language. new larger apertures are cut out of the walls with thermal glass placed flush against the outer facade to retain the memory of the replaced section. situated on a sloping site, the house is split into three levels,
with an underpass signaling an original access way before the home was expanded to the third floor situated on the highest point of the property.

the interior tells an entirely different story, updated with soft pristine concrete partitions and surfaces that playfully contrast with areas of the exposed rugged historical walls. light reflects off of the semi-polished exposed finishes highlighting the decisive touches of orange fixtures that add a lively dynamic. the rooftop serves as a base for the 23 square-meters of solar panels that throughout the year generate 35% of the needed heating energy. the result nests the contemporary home within a sort of primordial vessel at the base of the breathtaking mountains, expressing an agreeable union between the character of the past and the function of the future.

architect: savioz fabrizzi architectes, ch. st-hubert 2, ch-1950 sion, www.sf-ar.ch
works management: savioz fabrizzi architectes, ch. st-hubert 2, ch-1950 sion, www.sf-ar.ch
civil engineers: alpatec sa, rue du léman 6, ch-1920 martigny, www.alpatec-sa.ch
hvac engineer: tecnoservice sa, rte de l'ancienne pointe 16, ch-1920 martigny, www.tecnoservice.ch

site area: 318m2
built area: 172m2
gross area: 380m2
building volume (sia 116): 1,130 m3
total cost: not known

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY