*스테인레스 스틸 미러 파빌리온 [ Foster + Partners ] Vieux Port Pavilion

새로운 이벤트 파빌리온은 주변 풍경을 반사시키는 스테인레스 스틸을 이용한

캐노피형태로 매우 단순하게 디자인 되었다.

슬렌더한 필로티 기둥으로 지지된 46미터,26미터 스틸 캐노피로 구성된 파빌리온은

측면이 모두 개방된 형태로 거울과 같은 반사면으로 주위 풍경을 흡수 및 반사하며

파빌리온 자신은 사라지는 드라마틱한 시퀀스를 만들어 낸다.

어쩌면 어떠한 다이나믹한 볼륨, 형태보다 이와같이 객체 자신을 풍경 속으로

흡수 사라지게 만들며 주위의 다양한 움직임을 투영, 반사하는

파빌리온의 디자인이야 말로 역동적인 공간을 창출하는

능동형 디자인이 아닐까 싶다.

reviewed by SJ

The transformation of Marseille’s World Heritage-listed harbour was officially inaugurated on Saturday during a ceremony attended by Eugène Caselli, President of Marseille Provence Métropole and Jean-Claude Gaudin, the Mayor of Marseille. The event marked the completion of the new ‘club nautique’ pavilions and a new sheltered events space on the Quai de la Fraternité at the eastern edge of the port, built to commemorate the city’s year as ‘European Capital of Culture’.

The new events pavilion is a simple, discreet canopy of highly reflective stainless steel, 46 by 22 metres in size, open on all sides and supported by slender pillars. Its polished, mirrored surface reflects the surrounding port and tapers towards the edges, minimising its profile and reducing the structure’s visual impact.

 Reclaiming the quaysides as civic space and reconnecting the port with the city, the boat houses and technical installations that previously lined the quays have been moved to new platforms and clubhouses over the water. The pedestrian area around the harbour has been enlarged and traffic will be gradually reduced over the coming years to provide a safe, pedestrianised environment that extends to the water’s edge.
The landscape design, which was developed with Michel Desvigne, includes a new pale granite surface, in the same shade as the original limestone cobbles. The simple, hard-wearing, roughly textured materials are appropriate to the port setting, and to improve accessibility for all, kerbs and level changes have been eliminated.

from  contemporist


Designed by JB FACTORY