*모자이크 패턴 파사드가 인상적인 스쿨 [ Apurva Amin Architects ] Nirma Vidyavihar


스쿨 프로젝트는 넓고 통풍이 잘되는 아카데미 클래스, 액티비티룸 그리고

연구실을 포함한 내부 커리큐럼과 외부 활동적인 커리큐럼을 포함하는

교육 공간을 신설을 목표로 한다. 이러한 공간구성을 위한 디자인 방향은

건축물의 장축을 남향과 직각으로 배치하며 공간을 학급별 단계별 구분짓는

볼드함과 플레이풀한 요소로 진행된다. 여기에 기능을 위한 전용공간은

사각볼륨으로 공용과 서비스를 담당하는 공용공간은 유선형으로 분리, 디자인 함으로써

기능적 분리와 건축디자인의 아이텐티를 추구한다.

스쿨의 창의적인 아이텐티를 보여주는 벽면 모자이크 패턴 디자인은

'모자이크 벽화', '스크랩 아크', '퍼즐 파사드' 라는 다양한 닉네임으로 불리우며

학생들의 창의력 증진에 단초가 되는 오브제로 제안된다.


reviewed by SJ

irma VidyaVihar, an initiative of the Nirma Education & Research Foundation (NERF), to explore value-based education through offering an enabling environment for the young minds, to discover and achieve their potential, is situated in Ahmedabad and comprises of pre-primary, primary and middle school sections. The school is equipped with spacious and well-ventilated academic classes, activity rooms, laboratories, curricular and extra-curricular activity spaces. The design follows a very austere geometry, respecting its dignity as an institution, which is carefully inter-woven with bold and playful elements that gives the school its vivacious character. The experience of the school is a carefully crafted journey with spaces free flowing into each other yet directional. The geometry is an amalgamation of straight rectangular functional spaces along with elliptical and free flowing transitions and curvilinear service areas. The designing and planning of the school is an attempt to redefine the experience of the school by eliminating the monotony of a usual school with long corridors and uninteresting vistas.



Architects: Apurva Amin Architects
Location: , India
Structural Consultant: Saurachana Strucon
Landscape Consultant: Apurva Amin Architects
Civil Contractor: Tricon, Tejas Shah
Year: 2010
Photographs: Courtesy of Apurva Amin Architects

‘A mélange of free flowing art, effortlessly combining with the crisp lines of architecture’ is what portrays this school. The murals and art installations of the school like ‘the mosaic mural wall’, ‘the scrap arc’, ‘the puzzle façade’ and ‘the inverted tree’ are incorporated with a thought of creating a spark in the young minds. Starting from the drop-off, a series of sequential surprises unfolds, the suave increase in levels, with various colorful steps, draws us to the lively entrance foyer which then opens out to a visual treat of the lawn through the ‘scrap arc’. The separation of paths from the entrance foyer happen in a interesting and dramatic way, a formal and clear entry to the administration, a quaint stair-case towards the basement and a bold elliptical foyer, with a stair-case giving its own share of dynamism, takes one to the triple heighted assembly hall. The orientation of the vibrant ‘puzzle façade’, towards the east, welcomes the unsullied morning sun-light, through the cut-outs, creating dancing shadows, breaking down the formal idea of the space, giving a directional vista to the assembly hall and also inviting a bright texture that passes on their vitality to the students.


Open spaces seamlessly merge with the functional areas of the school. The mundane approach of linear corridors, running along the class-rooms, becomes lively because of the elliptical stair-case and suspended bridges and these bridges create a visual connectivity with all the major parts of the school like the assembly hall, the class-rooms, thus increasing the sense of interaction among the students. The class-rooms over-look the puzzle façade and the triple height assembly hall creating visual playful vistas. The small court-yards provided out-side the class-rooms serve as spaces of interaction and spill-over activities.



from  archdaily



Designed by JB FACTORY