*박공지붕 수영장 [ Duggan Morris Architects ] Alfriston Swimming Pool

수영장의 인상적인 외형을 만드는 연속된 박공지붕은 내부 풀장의 아름다운 공간감을 형성하는 동시에 수영장에서 발생하는 잔향을 방지, 심리적인 안정감을 제공한다. 박공지붕과 저층부 사이에 위치한 수평창은 디자인 어휘를 분리하는 역활과 내부의 드라마틱한 차경을 만든다.

The scheme consolidates the existing and new sports facilities into a fully integrated sports department defined by one singular block containing gym, changing facilities, fitness suite, admin offices and swimming pool. A new changing facility is connected onto the side of the existing gym with the pool extending into the landscape beyond.

The site levels have been altered to bring the primary entrance to the sports department central to the pool and gym with a secondary entrance to the rear of the gym permitting a public and private entrance to suit out of hours use. The new arrangement caters for 24 pupils within the pool at any one time and a further 24 in the gym building.


Architects: Duggan Morris Architects

Location: Penn Road, Knotty Green, Beaconsfield, United Kingdom

Category: Swimming Pool

Project Year: 2014

Photographs: Jack Hobhouse

Manufacturers: AltroDomus TilesSto

Wide access ways and large storage areas are included to service varying disabilities and hoist equipment. The overall permissable build footprint within the defined area was compressed by the greenbelt to the south skirting around the playing fields and the protected trees to the north.

The new pool building, sits discreetly at the rear of the site, facing directly onto the greenbelt land. Intended to be a contemporary expression of the local pitched roof vernacular, but executed with subtlety, the design of the new pool enclosure envisages a raised timber structure, articulated by three repeated folded roof segments. 

The roof creates a dramatic internal landscape iewed from within the pool and also serves as an acoustic baffle thus preventing a high reverberation of sound, which is a crucial aspect of the brief. A 1m narrow glass strip arond the edge of the building, separates the pool roof from the rest of the base reinforcing the apparent floating form. Thus the privacy of pool users is protected and the panoramic view preserved.


from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY