*코르텐 스틸, 메모리 월 [ Plania Landscape Architecture ] Cap-Rouge Memory Wall

대지의 역사적 시간을 연결하는 조형물 디자인은 과거에 쓰여진 어휘를

차용, 이용하여 현대적인 방법, 스타일로 재구성한다.

지난 500여년의 흔적들은- 파도, 얼음- 고스란히 대지에 남겨진

기억조각들로 콘크리트 벽을 덮고 있는 코르텐 스틸 판넬 위에

새겨진다. 과거로의 타임슬립을 유발하는 붉은색 녹청은 이곳을 방문하는

여행자들에게 선사하는 드라마틱한 건축 조형물에 과거의 기억, 흔적을 연결하는

건축적 장치로 철이 공간, 시간과 만나 산화되어 원래의 텍스쳐와는 다르게

변모하듯이- 변화한다는 의미보다는 숙성되어 깊이가 베는 과정-

시간과 장소를 영속시킨다.

건축에 공간을 완성시키는 가장 중요한 요소는 소금이 아니라 시간이다.

reviewed by SJ

After the partial collapse of the Cap-Rouge cliff in 2003, the City of Quebec completed a temporary project to protect the area adjacent to the chemin de la Plage-Jacques Cartier—the boulevard along Jacques Cartier beach. In 2005, the archaeological remains of North America’s first French colony (1541-1543) were discovered on the site, prompting the site owner, the CCNQ (National Capital commission of Quebec), to open an archaeological dig on top of the cliff. This process, including the removal of trees, changes to the natural drainage patterns and soil compacting accelerated the erosion that had already been occurring.

Thus, a longer-term project to shore up the cliff in order to protect the archaeological remains and keep residents and visitors safe was launched. At first, the project was an engineering one. It involved installing plant-covered mesh retaining fabric at the top of the cliff and a protective wall at the bottom. Later, it evolved into a landscape architecture project, with the inclusion of a work of contemporary art commemorating the site’s history and a path along the Saint Lawrence River at the cliff’s base.

Project title: Cap-Rouge Memory Wall
Landscape Architecture: Plania
Project Team: André Arata, Gerald Pau
Location: Cap-Rouge, Quebec, Canada
Completion date: 2012
Client: Commission de la capitale nationale du Québec
Project Type: Retaining wall and cliff renaturalization
Photographers: Denis Lemelin; Richard Fiset; CCNQ, Monica Bittencourt; CCNQ, Pierre Joosten; Martin Moisan; Gérald Pau.

In the words of design director André Arata “The concept seeks to convey the site’s history through an artistic concept with a modern flair, where the present is written on the past, like a tablet that can be wiped clean and used again.” The concrete wall is covered with naturally weathering steel architectural panels that evoke the waves and ice that have pounded on the Cape for nearly 500 years. Corten steel was selected for its rich echoes of the site’s history—from Cartier’s descriptions of the iron ore at the site to the construction of the iconic Tracel trestle bridge that still dominates the landscape. Excerpts from Cartier and Roberval’s travel journals are inscribed on the walls, recalling their hope to build the first French colony here. In addition, the site can be enjoyed in all seasons, due to the sculpture-like form of the wall and the integrated lights.

The landscape architects who coordinated the project ensured that all of the involved parties including structural engineers, electrical engineers, civil engineers, archaeologists, lighting specialists and representatives of the client (CCNQ) were collaborating at all times. This allowed the project to evolve at each stage of completion.

By working alongside the archaeological site’s scientific committee, the landscape architects implemented technical solutions, building an environmentally appropriate retaining wall to ensure that the archaeological site was preserved. The remains were protected by soil-filled wooden cases covered with mesh material anchored into the rock. To blend the new work into the Cape’s natural look, the mesh material was covered with extensive native plantings. These plants and shrubs allow visitors to catch a glimpse of the mouth of the Cap-Rouge and Saint Lawrence rivers—the explorers’ original route into the region.

Constant communication between the CCNQ, local businesses and area residents was the key to improved signage and organization at the site. Following an informational meeting for residents and site users, the wall’s design was changed and measures to mitigate the local impact on residents and businesses were implemented.

To conclude, the project designers made maximum use of the site’s archaeological assets and constraints in order to create an innovative artistic project that incorporates sustainable development and the concept of “nordicity”, the unique characteristics of Northern cultures, by selecting low-maintenance, sustainable materials, integrating lighting into the architectural walls and using native plants, shrubs and trees wherever possible.

The high quality and artistic urban space planning of this project will allow this site to be preserved for future generations and endless discoveries.

from  landezine


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