*코펜하겐의 미디어 파사드 [ kollision, martin professional, transform ] the confederation of danish industry

코펜하겐의 새로운 등대가 오픈한다. 대니쉬 인더스트리 오피스 빌딩 리뉴얼 프로젝트는

고가의 미디어 파사드를 이용, 분주한 교차로에 새로운 비쥬얼 환경을 구성한다.

바다의 흐름을 형상화한 미디어 파사드는 8만개의 LED조명을 사선격자형태로

설치, 디자인하며 조명 설계자가 프로그래밍한 애니메이션을

다양한 패턴으로 구현된다.

이렇게 미디어 파사드는 시티스케이프의 한부분으로

도시생활의 활력과 생동감을 선사한다.

reviewed by SJ

in may 2013, the confederation of danish industry (DI) moved back into their rebuilt headquarters at raadhuspladsen in the heart of copenhagen. the extensive architectural task has been carried out by danish office transform who has re-designed the physical manifestation of the building. the new exterior consists of an extensive media façade, presenting a sea of visuals flowing in and around of one of the most heavily trafficked intersections in the city.

the collaboration between kollision, martin professional and transform brings together a language of light, exploiting the diagonal nature of the LED-structure on the exterior fabric of the architectural conception. the different designs have been turned into generic light plugins that fit into kollision’s player-system. these light plugins can be controlled by the graphic department at DI, who can tweak and modify parameters like speed, colors, and direction creating thousands of different expressions - still within the limits of each extension. the lighting configurations can be previewed in a three dimensional player system that displays each of the 80,000 LEDs. the system holds potentials for adding interactive components, allowing the citizens to interact directly with the façade.

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY