*컬러 스펙트럼 파사드 [ prinvault architectes ] jean moulin school

2009년도 화재로 소실되었던 장물렌 스쿨이

건축가 prinvault에 의해 새롭게 재건됩니다.

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사실 여기 컬러풀한 패턴은 자연상태의 불을

스펙트럼화 한 것으로 과거의 이미지를 역설적으로

표현함으로써 장소의 기억을 되새김질 하는 건축가의

센스가 돋보입니다.

reviewed by SJ

the 'jean moulin school' in bernay (normandy) parisian practice prinvault architectes replaces a school destroyed in an arson attack in 2009. built on a single level, the building is organized around a central corridor with niches recessed to accommodate benches and create various informal spaces for children. different sized windows frame multiple views of the court, the sky, and the tree canopies. the building skeleton is a timber frame structure, its roof is green and the natural heating burns wood, which has overcome its traumatic loss with its range of 1000 colorful cladding strips that match the colors of fire: a digitized photo revealed a spectrum of 2.5% black, 2.5% zinc yellow, 2.5% yellow gold, 2.5% red-brown, 25% orange-red, burgundy 25%, and 40% carmine red - a random formula in excel is then used to generate the distribution.

Ecole Jean Moulin from Prinvault Architectes on Vimeo.

from  designboom


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