*안도 다다오 한솔뮤지엄 [ tadao ando ] hansol museum in korea sits on top of a mountain

빛과 공간에 대한 끝없는 탐구는 여기 한솔 뮤지엄에도

여지 없이 안도의 다른 작품처럼 대지속에 뿌리 내린

거대한 수목처럼 자리한다. 지난 5월 개장한 한솔뮤지엄은

250 에이커에 달하는 드넓은 대지위에 해외 유명 작가들의 조각들과

풍부한 자연환경이 하나가 되는 거대한 예술공간으로

7여년의 기간에 걸쳐 완공되었다.

-우리에게 7년은 긴 시간이지만 대가에게 이 시간은 찰나의 순간이었을 것이다.-

먼저 다양한 꽃들이 만개한 정원을 지나 자작나무 보행로가

인도하는 길을 따라 가면 박물관은 그 거대한 파사드를

물의 정원에 투사하며 과거와 현재, 건축물과 대지의

연결고리를 켜켜이 쌓여진 석재의 모습으로 여행자들을 반긴다.

이렇게 들어선 내부는 깊숙히 유입된 외부 빛과 그 빛이

반사된 콘크리트, 석재가 만들어 내는 공간으로

깊은 공간감을 만들어 낸다. 잘 숙성된 공간의 깊이는

건축의 인공적인 습성을 옅에 만들며 원래부터 그 자리에

있었던 그루터기 마냥 자연스럽다.

그리고 뒤로 펼쳐진 돌의 정원은 경주지방에 위치한

신라시대의 무덤들을 연상시키는 시퀀스로

공간을 갈무리 한다.

곧 만나러 갑니다.

reviewed by SJ

more than 7 years after construction began, the 'hansol museum' in korea by tadao ando opened its doors to the public on may 16th, 2013.
adjacent to the famous oak valley resort in gangwon province, neighbouring a 250-acre forest preserve, the cultural institution is positioned on top of a mountain (275m above sea level), its hushed architecture characterized by the vast green landscape encircling it.

upon entering the expansive 70,000 m2 site one is greeted by the flower garden where hundreds of thousands of red blooms have been planted, complimenting the enormous crimson sculpture 'for gerald manley hopkins' by mark di suvero, which has been positioned to tower above them. a birch tree-lined pathway leads up to a limestone wall surrounding the central building which is submerged into a water garden; visually keeping it in solitude from its environment. accessed only via a paved walkway which intersects an installation of alexander liberman's 'archway'--framing the path approaching the entrance the use of the sedimentary rock which is abundant in the region (geographically it is home to korea's largest limestone cave) continues onto the facade of the japanese architect's design. the limestone walls continue into the exterior, flattering the chiefly concrete and glass interior.

the museum houses the art collection of lee in-hee, founder and adviser of hansol group (a korean paper and chemical company) who has funded the project, for which it is also named after. the main hall features a paper gallery whose program is dedicated to the history of paper development, with exhibitions of works from hansol's extensive collection of korean modern art displayed in the temporary cheong-jo gallery. walking through to the back of the property, one is invited into a stone garden which has been landscaped after the silla tombs--still quite prominent in the southern gyeongju province which take the form of stone hills, dotting the terrain. additional sculptures by henry moore and george segal's 'couple on two benches' can be found along the curving trail which ultimately brings visitors to the 'final destination', the james turrell hall where four of the american artist's work: 'ganzfeld, 'horizon', 'skyspace', and 'wedgework', can be experienced. the museum subtly responds to its environment, uniting nature and art in a beguiling setting.

from  designboom


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