*트리 스네이크 하우스 [ Luís Rebelo de Andrade & Tiago Rebelo de Andrade ] Tree Snake Houses in Pedra Salgadas - Portugal

자연속에 동화된다. 그리고 자연의 향기를 만끽 할 수 있는

공간을 제공한다. 흡사 뱀과 같은 리니어한 하우스는 내부에 침실 겸 욕실 그리고

주방을 겸비한 휴식처로 이 지역에 자생하는 나무를 이용, 클래식하면서도

미니멀한 건축 디자인을 구현한다. 여기에 지면으로 부터 들려진 하우스의 시퀀스는

고유한 캐릭터를 연출, 이름처럼 하늘을 비상하고픈 뱀의 형상을 떠올리게 한다.

과하지도 모자르지도 않는 적절한 건축이 트리 스네이크 하우스를

아이텐티화 한다.

reviewed by SJ

We are quite easily charmed. Or, perhaps more truthfully: When certain elements exist we are highly likely to take a second look.
Give us beautiful use of wood, minimalist approach, classic lines, incorporation of nature in design, and we are intrigued.

And, if you can add that elusive ‘something,’ that special stroke of genius that makes your design unique, delightful, quirky, even weird, and we will really take a really good look.
The Tree Snake House in Pedra Salgadas by Luís Rebelo de Andrade and Tiago Rebelo de Andrade fits the bill perfectly.

The Lisbon-based architect duo has worked in the spa town of Pedras Salgadas in northern Portugal for some time, creating an Eco-Resort in the park. The resort huts are little eco-lodges made of modular systems and built on stilts.
The two Tree Snake Houses have many of the same characteristics and the architects worked with the Modular System Company to come up with innovative ways to create the feel of a tree house.

Each Tree Snake House has a studio, a bathroom and a kitchen.

The architects are working on additional versions of the Tree Snake House for different environments and climates, including mountainside, riverbank, urban and sand. They expect those to be available to purchase to the general public.

from  thecoolhunter


Designed by JB FACTORY