*로스앤젤레스 연방법원 제안 [ SOM ] Los Angeles Federal Courthouse

로스앤젤레스 1930년대 지어진 법원이 새롭게 바뀐다.

2016년 완공을 목표로 진행되는 SOM의 새로운 연방법원은 1.5헥타르 대지

위에 24개의 법정과 32개의 판사실을 포함하는 10층 규모로 제안된다.

마주한 도로와 공원으로 열린 파사드는 지그재그 패턴으로

내부로 자연채광을 유입하는 동시에 풍부한 전망을 제공,

심플한 큐빅볼륨에  캐릭터를 형성한다. 여기에 진화하는

빌딩의 미래를 반영하는 케이스로 태양광을 비롯한 신재생에너지 사용과

고효율 그린빌딩으로 설계된다.

reviewed by SJ

Scheduled for completion in the summer of 2016, the $319 million building is underway on a 1.5-hectare site between First Street and South Broadway and is set to replace the existing 1930s courthouse on North Spring Street.

Working alongside Clark Construction, SOM has designed the 10-storey building as a cube-shaped volume that will appear to hover over a solid stone base. It will feature a serrated facade, intended to maximise views whilst reducing solar heat gain for 24 courtrooms and 32 judicial chambers.

The US General Services Administration (GSA) says the new courthouse will be a "high-performance green building" that will feature an all-in-one cooling, heating and power system, as well as roof-mounted solar panels.

"Additionally, the high efficiency building systems, water-efficient fixtures, and advanced irrigation systems will help the building meet its energy and water conservation goals," said the agency.

The Los Angeles Federal Courthouse is being constructed as part of a wider revitalisation of downtown Los Angeles, which is also home to Frank Gehry's Disney Concert Hall and the Los Angeles Cathedral. Other projects include a new Police Department headquarters, a building for the California Department of Transportation, a renovated Hall of Justice, and a newly developed Grand Park.

from  dezeen


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