*열림과 닫힘, 그리고 종교건축 [ Tabuenca & Leache ] Iglesia San Jorge

성부, 성자, 성령. 교회를 구성하는 아트리움, 예배실, 교구센터는 교회가
지향하는 삼위일체의 공간을 직간접적으로 투영한다.
상주인원 100명을 포함, 총 400명을 위한 교회는 기존 두개의 광장을
연결하는 아트리움과 신과 인간을 연결하는 예배실 그리고 인간과 인간을
연결하는 교구센터로 구성된다.
종교건축의 큰 화두는 연결을 위한 열림과 만남, 결속을 위한 닫힘의
건축적 공간구성에 있다.
이러한 공간구성은 도시문맥을 연결하는 아트리움의 열림, 응집력 있는
공간 구성을 통해 신과 인간을 연결하는 예배실의 닫힘, 그리고 인간과
인간을 만나고 소통시키는 교구센터의 반복적 배치 속에서 이루어지게 된다.
특히 철저히 장식이 배제된 뉴트럴한 건축양식은 공간의 극적인 대비를 형성,
교회건축의 아이텐티를 구축한다.

reviewed by SJ

For this project, a church-building had to be designed and built for 400 people, including a chapel which would cater for about 100 people to use it on a daily basis. A parish center also included offices, multipurpose rooms, classrooms for catechesis, two houses for priests and a guest room.

Architects: Tabuenca & Leache
Location: , Navarre,
Architect In Charge: Fernando Tabuenca González, Jesús Leache Resano
Area: 2,746.24 sqm
Year: 2008
Photographs: Pedro Pegenaute, José Manuel Cutillas

An urban planning study placed the building in the center of a space which was surrounded by buildings as high as eight storeys: A difficult and somewhat bland situation to deal with. In addition, the site spilled out onto 2 squares on 2 of its sides. When we designed the building, we realised that the relationship between these 2 squares and how they interconnect, would become the pivot point for the complex as a whole.

The church stands perpendicular to the neighborhood´s main street. We positioned it so that it would conform to the sequence of the existing row of buildings, by having it follow the same line as the others. This helps the building occupy its place in the neighbourhood, seamlessly and with discretion. A large atrium acts as an exterior entrance hall, linking the 2 squares previously mentioned and creating an urban scenario for those people who simply pass through it, while at the same time, it serves as a meeting and gathering point for congregants just before they enter the temple. The atrium also connects the church to the parish centre, which contains the apartments for the priests on the top floor. A raised patio that runs the full length of the facade allows for illumination without disturbing the privacy of others.

This trinity of its main parts (the atrium, temple and parish center) combine under a unified appearance, like that of a church-fortress that protects all that is within and around her, but also serves as a neutral backdrop to the built environment.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY