*플래그쉽 부띠끄를 지배하는 그레이 [ Architecture & Associés ] iktor & Rolf Flagship Boutique - Paris

공간을 지배하는 회색은 플래그쉽 부띠크를 대표하는 새로운 블랙의 또다른 이름이다. 절대 지루하지 않은 고고한 회색은 차가움과 따뜻함이 공존하는 컬러로 부띠크에 디스플레이되는 다양한 디자인제품의 바탕이 되어준다. 촉감적인 질감을 통한 내부는 단일화된 색을 통하여 형태의 본질에 한발 더 다가가며 이와 대비되는 육감적인 제품을 돋보이게, 제품의 그림자로 원형;the original form  의 이미지를 그려낸다.

reviewed by SJ

dutch design pair Rolf Snoeren and Viktor Horsting celebrate the 20th anniversary of their Viktor & Rolf brand by opening a massive Paris flagship store in the 1st arrondissement, at 370 Rue Saint-Honoré.

One expects nothing but spectacular from the brand that has been owned by Renzo Rosso’s group since 2008, with apparently deep pockets to support the label’s growth and expansion.

But we did not expect felt-padded walls or the omnipresent grey color – a hue that now seems to be the new black of retail environments and is in fact getting a bit boring already.

The charcoal surroundings do show off the more colorful pieces, but there’s something quite depressing and aggressive about all that greyness.

The 7,000 square-foot (650 square-meter) multi-level emporium was designed by the Paris-based Pierre Beucler and Jean-Christophe Poggioli of Architecture & Associés.

The store houses much of the Viktor and Rolf collection including ladies’ wear, handbags, shoes, eyewear, and a selection of menswear and limited-edition pieces.

from  thecoolhunter


Designed by JB FACTORY