*심플 박공지붕 헤어샵 [ Ryo Matsui Architects ] Hairdo salon

심플 박공지붕, 모놀리틱한 볼륨은 도시공간 속 자의적인 요소를 배제한 모던건축의 연장선상에서 읽어야 한다. 그리고 도시와의 호흡을 위해 전창으로 열린 파사드는 내외부의 밀착된 경험을 유도, 내부공간의 특징을 외부로 표출한다. 자신의 당위성; 헤어샵을 외부로 알리는 주요한 마케팅이자, 건축공간이 갖어야 할 당위성; 호흡, 소통을 자연스럽게 구현한다. 여기, 볼륨을 구획하는 우드패널은 내부 구조시스템; 경량 철골 트러스를 비롯한 철골 구조 시스템과 조화를 이루며 공간을 완성한다. -내부 철골부재는 가능한 얇은 재료를 사용 구조로 인하여 공간이 침해 당하는 것을 방지, 공간의 경쾌함을 유도하였다.-

reviewed by SJ

In our second story today from Japanese firm Ryo Matsui Architects, a glazed facade reveals the two-storey interior of a house-shaped hair salon in Chiba, Japan

Building Site: Chiba-shi, Chiba
Principal Use: Hair salon
Architect: Ryo Matsui Architects Inc.
Structural Design: Ryo Kuwako
Construction: Nichinan Iron Corporation
Site Area: 141.99 m² Shampoo Area
Architectural Area: 106.7 m²
Total Floor Area: 220.8 m²
1st Floor Area: 113.41 m²
2nd Floor Area: 106.67 m²
Structure: Steel construction

This salon is located in the prefectural road in front of Chiba Station where a monorail comes and goes.

We planned the two-story hair salon. In a condition called the ten years fixed-term land leasehold, it is required the coexistence as an intelligent architecture and effective interior.

In the big roof covering the second floor as a main, it is made from a gabled roof-shaped by the warren truss with a light steel frame.

It is matched up steel materials as thin as possible, for example chord members of 60×60mm, lattices of 40×40mm, and roof purlins of 60×30mm.

The contrast of the structure painted white and sheathing boards, applying to the furniture and fixtures, let them fused their visual expression.

The facade of the big glass viewed from the frontal road, raises the internal aspect contributed a sense of unity.

In restrictive temporal axis, it is expected that the salon is integrated into as a picture frame of the city to contribute to local activation.

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY