*뷰티 헤어살롱 [ Moriyuki Ochiai Architects ] Arkhe Beauty Salon

빛은 공간을 산란시키고 공간을 빛나게 한다. 헤어샵 인테리어의 가장 주요한 디자인 요소로 사용된 천장 설치물은 가공되지 않는 재료의 날것?을 이용하여 일반적인 제품으로는 구현 할 수 없는 질감과 캐릭터를 형성한다. 알루미늄 패널; 메탈의 찬란한 반짝임과 휘어짐은 재료가 갖고 있는 물성의 특징으로 물과 머리카락의 휘어짐, 흐름을 은유적으로 또는 직설적으로 표현한다. 이러한 엘레강스한 육감적인 곡선의 향연을 통해 공간은 빛과 함께 산란되어 찬란하게 정의된다.

reviewed by SJ

The space is made up by the charm of its raw materials.

By using aluminum and bringing out the beauty of the material, the architects bring into an existent space transient and ever-changing light, like the reflection of light on the surface of water.

Arkhe Beauty Salon, Chiba, Japan
Program: beauty salon
Architects: Moriyuki Ochiai Architects
Area: 120 sqm
Completion: 2011

Recycled aluminum sheets were used to express the flow of water and hair, reflecting the airily soft light, like sparkling light on water’s surface, and filling the space with elegant and sensual curves.

The walls are painted in a silver shade that mimics the glimmering reflection of light on the surface of water.

Moreover, since they give the space its singularity, the architects adapted the assembly method of the aluminum ceiling parts so as to be able to disassemble and reinstall them when moving the business to a different location. In doing so, they devised a way to effectively reduce the costs of moving.

from  domusweb


Designed by JB FACTORY