*스페인 북부를 여행하는 여행자를 위한 호스텔 리노베이션 [ sergio Rojo Arquitecto ] Pilgrims’ Hostel in Logroño

스페인 북부, 로그로뇨를 여행하는여행자의 안락한 쉼터를 제공하는 호스텔은 기존 낙후된 건축물의 리노베이션을 통해 현대적인 모던함이 베어나는 숙박시설로 제공된다. 생동감 넘치는 지역문화의 경험을 위한 전초기지, 호스텔 내부공간은 기존 공간의 존중과 적절한 조율 속에 깊은 공간감을 형성한다. 특히 기존 지붕 지지재 -목조 프레임-는 새로운 지붕을 지지하는 구조체 역활과 새로운 백색벽과 시간을 뛰어 넘는 대비감을 통해 내부를 풍부하게 연출한다.

reviewed by SJ

Spanish architect Sergio Rojo has recently completed the extensive refurbishment of a building which began to deteriorate at the turn of the 20th century. Serving for many years as a vibrant cultural locus in Logroño, a city in northern Spain, this former theatre has seen its share of neglectful tenants, none of whom demonstrated a true appreciation for either its undeniable tectonic qualities or its promising transformative possibilities.

As expected, the long-lasting lack of adequate maintenance has led the decaying building to lose its attractiveness and identity. Much to the delight of local architectural enthusiasts, the current owners saw grounds for optimism as they have taken all the necessary measures to remedy this predicament. Now the host of a pilgrims’ Hostel, the project capitalises on its convenient location and articulates interesting relationships with nearby ecclesiastical facilities and landmarks.

Having undergone a successful facelift, the building also benefited from careful structural repairs. This enabled the architect to preserve the construction’s yesteryear character and effectively highlight the hundred-year-old wooden trusses, probably one of the most distinctive features of a fairly uncommon typology for this geographical context.

from  frameweb

the : 그, 정관사, 그만큼


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