*부띠끄호텔의 또다른 버전, 화이트 울프 호텔 [ AND-RÉ ] White Wolf Hotel

자연을 닮기 위해선 우리는 무엇을 해야 할까? 여기 화이트 울프 호텔은 이러한 질문에 이렇게 답을 한다. "자연과의 조우를 위한 접점을 최대한 넓히며, 넓혀진 면을 밀착시켜 간극 없는 내외부를 구현한다." 최근 포루투칼, 빼나피엘에 건립된 화이트 울프 호텔은 풍부한 주변 자연환경과의 친밀한 교감, 대지에 투영된 장소성의 영속성을 건축공간의 모토로 시작된다. 건축공간의 숙명적 사명은 고요함, 친밀함, 치유, 휴식을 위한 공간구현으로 단일 건축물 안에 프로그램을 응집시키는 대신 공간을 소규모로 분산, 배치하여 자연과의 접점을 증폭, 거주환경의 퀄리티를 상승시킨다. 여기 건축형상과 내용은 베이직, 클리어, 다이렉트 지오메트릭 폼, 자연의 이해와 해석; 즉, 사용자와 건축물 간의 자연스러운 교감을 위해 디자인 되며, 동시에 주변 랜드스케이프와의 중립적인 관계속에 아이러니하게 형성되는 대지와의 강한 결속력을 박공의 백색, 매우 심플한 형상으로 구현된다. 각 건축물의 저층부는 각 거주공간의 공용공간으로 낮과 밤, 내외부의 상이한 환경을 표출하며 측면에 열린 투명한 글래스 파사드를 통해 유입된 자연광을 이용, 편안하고 아늑한 리빙스페이스를 확보한다. 상층부는 이와 반대로 제한된 빛을 통해 프라빗한 코지 스페이스를 형성, 밤하늘 별을 보며 수면에 취할 수 있는 천창을 통해서만 외부와의 관계를 갖는다. 이러한 공간적 경험이 우리가 이야기하는 부띠끄호텔의 또다른 버전이 아닐까? 싶다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Completed in 2013 and recently open to the public, White Wolf Hotel is a series of buildings intimately related with the surrounding rich natural environment. The built architecture is a realization of the holistic pretensions of the client. The built architecture objects, profoundly integrated in the natural context, provide holistic and spiritual experiences of calm, intimacy, meditation and retreat.

Scope: Hotel and Housing
Status: Completed (2013)
Location: Penafiel, Portugal
Promoter: Quinta do Lobo Branco – Turismo Rural, Lda.
Architecture Team: Partners in charge: Bruno André, Francisco Salgado Ré. Collaborators: Adalgisa Lopes, Ana Matias, João Fernandes, Pedro Costa, Sandra Paulo, Sofia Mota Silva

Holistic Approach

"...emphasising the importance of the whole and the interdependence of its parts. (...) Relating to or concerned with complete systems rather than with individual parts."

The objective was, from the starting point, holistic. Since the first moment we knew this was going to be a special project. The challenge to create a place that eulogies nature, a special place dedicated to the body and spirit, accordingly to the clients alternative ways of living, and even the perception of life itself.

A place where the visitor is involved in the positive thinking spirit and embraces the related humanistic values, far away from the stress paradigms of contemporary lives. A place where one can feel the time slowly passing by, were it can hear the wind caressing whisper and spend long days enjoying the birds sing in the surrounding forest trees and the water running in the creek that crosses the site.

Due to the unorthodox motto of the project, the spirit and expectations from the clients were an inspiration and, at the same time, a profound challenge. One not only related with architecture, but also a challenge to us has human beings, forcing ourselves to question our practice common ground and our posture towards life. This was the only way – and what a good privileged way it is – to fulfil the client expectations.

The result is a place to live or visit, with joy, happiness and peace (so rare these days) with your own body and in with nature. It was very positive to remember that simple values. We now hope that architecture itself can trigger and provoke that same positive feeling in the users.

Concept & Strategy

Instead of a single construction condensing the entire program, the adopted strategy aimed to spread the facilities through separated buildings along the site, adapting itself to the existing natural conditions, respecting and enhancing its values. Thus providing a more rich living experience, full of distinct moments and sensations.

The architecture shape, achieved by basic, clear, direct geometric forms, naturally understood and interpreted; try to provide a natural non-aggressive sensation and a natural visual relation between the user and the buildings. The buildings are meant to be neutral in the landscape, in a gesture that avoids an aggressive architecture imposition, but at the same time with a strong relation with the site. The buildings dive in the ground, in a unification process that enhances the relation of proximity between the user and the site, between man and nature.

The buildings provide two distinct inner environments/atmospheres, related with night and day periods. The lower floors, dedicated to common daily uses, are totally permeable to light, promoting bright spaces and an awakened atmosphere. The upper bedroom floors provide a more private and cosy spaces, with controlled natural lighting, opening to the exterior in generous skylights above the bed, allowing star watching before sleep.

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY