*어반 플라자 [ Opland Landskabsarkitekter ] Plaza At Bavnehøj Arena

어반플라자는 칠드런 케어 센터, 인근에 위치한 축구장을 위한 공용 욕실 그리고 경기장 사이에 위치, 지역주민들의 다양한 야외횔동을 지원하는 퍼블릭 어반 스페이스로 제공된다. 콘크리트 오브제, 우드 데크 그리고 지역 식물이 식재된 플랜트 박스는 리니어한 야외공간에 연속되며 차량과 인도를 구분짓는 짙은 컬러의 바닥포장과 함께 이곳을 방문하는 사람들의 동선을 유도한다. 다양한 야외활동의 필연적 발생으로 입지적 특징은 앞서 말한 플라자를 구성하는 요소에 스며들어 활동을 지원한다. 특히 낮은 둔턱으로 연속된 콘크리트 오브제는 스케이트 보더를 위한 플레이 그라운드로 산책을 즐기는 보행자에게는 잠시 쉬어가는 벤치로 식생보호와 주차공간의 독립적인 공간을 구획하는 요소로 사용된다.

reviewed by SJ

The plaza is laid out as a unifying urban space for Bavnehøj Arena, Bavnehøj Child Care Center and Bavnehøj Public Bath, as well as the local soccer fields. Traffic, parking and plaza are clearly separated in a way that makes movement in the area simple and natural whether you arrive by bike, on foot or by car. The overall design of the plaza consists of a polygonal edge made up of concrete elements, wooden decks and plant beds that are placed on top of a uniform, dark pavement. The edge is activated by features like playgrounds, a multipurpose pitch and recreational spaces. Materials and colors are coordinated throughout the plaza to create a continuous expression, while also creating a robust space that can withstand future activity and use in the urban and rough neighborhood.

Landscape Architecture: Opland Landskabsarkitekter Aps.
Location: Copenhagen
Client: Copenhagen Municipality
Collaborators: Rubow Arkitekter A/S, Orbicon A/S
Area: 7.000m2
Design and construction: 2011
Budget: 1.600.000 euro

The polygonal concrete elements and wooden decks form a continuous spatial element that varies in width and height for dynamic effect, and it thereby creates features like skating and seating, as well as protecting vegetation and acting as a physical barrier to the car park. The wooden decks further allow for informal stay and works as a small grandstand in front of the main entrance. The edge is supported by plantings of Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris), Katsura (Cercidiphyllum japonicum), Wild Cherry (Prunus avium ‘Plena’) and Himalayan Birch (Betula utilis) on a base of wild grasses and barren strawberry that provide vigor, seasonal variety and help define the entrances.

In front of the child care center a hilly landscape with rubber surfacing and playful elements for climbing and balancing invite kids to play, while a sunken multipurpose pitch with red rubber surfacing in front of the Bavnehøj Arena make room for a quick game of soccer. At Bavnehøj Public Bath a small space with red rubber balls create a space for informal stay or play.

Parking is established in a simple manner with spots dedicated to disabled people, while the plaza itself has tactile guidelines for the visually impaired and easy access at the entrances for disabled people. The car park also works as an extra space for sport and activities with colored road marking tape on the asphalt indicating a court for street soccer, a 135m running track and decorative circles.

from  landezine


Designed by JB FACTORY