*제트 오피스 [ Pracownia Architektonicza Insomina ] Jet Office

건축을 정의하는 주요한 모티브는 주변환경의 긴밀한 관계 속에서 생성되며, 그 다양한 요구조건을 성공적으로 수행했을때 비로소 건축은 자신의 할당량을 채우고 주변환경 속으로 사라진다. 독창적인 건축물 외형은 혼잡한 두거리가 만나는 삼각형 대지의 특성으로 부터 기인한다. 그리고 이러한 제한적인 조건은 건축을 구축하는 당위성을 전달하며 장식적인, 자의적인 해석이 아닌 배의 선두와 같은 쇄기형태의 아이텐티한 건축물을 디자인한다. 그리고 이를 통해 생성된 평면은 우리가 오피스의 이상적으로 생각하는 정사각형, 직사각형태와 다소 거리가 먼 부정형태로 귀결되지만, 최소한의 공용공간을 측면으로 배치함으로써 유효한 평면을 구현한다. 여기에 플렉서블한 오피스 환경 구축을 위해 경량철골로 스팬거리를 확보, 오픈플랜을 실현한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The main reason for the extraordinary shape of the building was a narrow and triangular plot. Such a dynamic shape ought to be, in our opinion emphasized by a matching dynamic form. The plot is a wedge between two busy streets: Piątkowska st. &  Aleje Solidarności st. and a tramway line. Paradoxically, vast  number of limitations and prescriptions made the design process much easier. The parallels about the building looking like a vessel are funny on one hand, but quite accurate on the other. The form had to be “sharpen” giving the outcome of marine analogies. Jet Office is a shape and form, not a decoration.

Architects: Pracownia Architektonicza Insomina
Location: Poznan,
Area: 2,450 sqm
Year: 2012
Photographs: Fotoarchitektura.pl- Agnieszka Gregorczyk, Agnieszka Liguz

We assumed that the ideal office building’s plan is that of a square or a rectangular shape. In the design process of Jet Office we had to abandon that scheme. Blueprint of a building is about zoning, features and mutual relations. We’ve programmed the building interior so that it is possible to adapt and reshape, keeping pace with the needs. As a result we came up with a minimal communication area, shared toilets and an office space easy to partition and alter. It is worth mentioning, that scarcely the open space offices are rectangular. Our goal was to design a product that with all its features would give a competitive edge on the market- all in all architecture is a business as well.

The weight bearing structure was made of reinforced concrete pillars and plate. From the beginning, the structural rigidness was hard to achieve- the form made the structure act like a sail. We did all we could so it did not fly away.

High standard of interiors is composed of best quality materials: painted MDF, tinted glass, perforated metal sheets and sanded wood. The overall appearance is modest in form, toned.Evacuation staircases, for instance, are made of concrete which was left unfinished. We envision raw concrete as very suitable material to use in interior design. It is not a cheap solution, as one might think. Raw concrete always presents a huge problem for the contractors on construction site. Concrete is not an easy material to be left bare, builders will always seek some sort of render to cover its’ uniqueness and beauty.

Blatancy wears down fast. It should be remembered, especially in our country, with the cornucopia of different, unsuited elements in urban contexts of Polish cities. This calls for some sort of toned, stable and timeless accents in cityscape. The main entrance to the building is located from Winirska st., less busy than  surrounding routs. We could not resist to soften the stiffness and pompous character of white collar working environment. Through introduction of fragments of hilarious script of Stanislaw Bareja’s movie- “Co mi zrobisz jak mnie złapiesz?” (“What will you do if you catch me?”) to one of the elevators’ cabin. The placement of quotations makes it irresistible not to interact with it, and read “I shave myself, eat breakfast and go to sleep”.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY