*비즈니스 인큐베이터, 코워킹 스페이스 [ h2o architectes ] Business Incubator

코업 스페이스를 위한 새로운 대안, 산업단지내 오래된 페이퍼팩토리는 비즈니스 인큐베이터를 위한 새로운 협동공간으로 제안된다. 지역산업문화를 대표하는 상징물로 다음과 같은 3가지 원칙을 베이스로 재구성된다.

첫번째, 공장의 상징적인 볼륨을 유지한채 내부 신설되는 프로그램에 의해 생성되는 각 공간들로 역동적인 공간연출과 이를 외부로 연결하는 새로운 출입구를 계획한다.

두번째, 내부 다양한 프로그램 -오피스, 워크삽, 미팅룸-을 연결, 소통시키는 중앙공용공간뿐만 아니라 다양한 소통인자를 계획, 내외부를 막힘없는 소통공간으로 젊은이들의 활동적인 에너지를 배가시킨다. (외부도로와 내부 중앙복도 / 광장과 건물 내부 중앙계단실 / 19세기 마을 또는 도시공용공간과 대형루프 라이트 기능을 하는 패신져웨이 )

마지막으로 과거의 어두운 산업문화를 밝고 경쾌한 협업공간으로 재창출한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The EPF Normandie and the commune of Pont-Audemer wanted to convert the industrial site of an ancient paper factory into offices/workshops for different companies.

The ancient paper factory is a symbol of an important part of the local working class memory. The architectural conversion suggested by the agency had three principle axis of development.

Architects: h2o architectes
Location: 67 Rue du Canal, 27500 , France
Area: 1500.0 sqm
Year: 2013
Photographs: Stéphane Chalmeau, Julien Attard

Quantity Surveyors: M. Virtz
Mechanical And Sustainability Engineers : Louis Choulet
Structure Engineers: BMI
Exterior Infrastructure Engineers: France Aires

Firstly, the agency was careful to preserve almost completely the volume of the factory. The serial aspect of the construction is emphasized by the creation of a few new spaces which visually cut into the mass of the building. These correspond to new entrances and new uses.

Secondly, the project concentrated on the central common space that links the different workshops, offices and meeting rooms. It was conceived of as a space capable of facilitating exchanges between the different young emerging companies. The generous circulation space includes a « street » (the central corridor) and a « square » (where can be found the building’s central staircase) ; these functional spaces become lively meeting places, beyond the strict professional context. A large roof lighting recalls the function of « passageways » in the 19th century town or covered public spaces.

Lastly, and important environmental component was included in the project from the start, marking a happy contrast with the heavy industrial past.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY