*지속성장 가능한 공동주거 프로젝트 [ Toni Gironès ] 80 Social Housing Apartments in Salou

새로운 개발 지역내 위치한 80공동주거는 지역적 성장과 함께 발전하는 지속성장 공동주거를 지향한다. 새로운 도시공원 맞은편에 위치한 필지는 외부환경성을 확보하며 중정을 기점으로 L자 형태로 15*52m 크기의 두개 블록이 배치된다. (각각 북측 도로와 동측 도로에 직교 배치된다.) 각층당 10세대, 총 4층으로 구성된 각 블록은 도로에 면한 7세대와 직교배치된 3세대로, 각 세대는 편복도(외부도로에 면한)로 연결된다. 그리고 무엇보다 이곳, 공동주거의 건축적 특징을 잘 드러내는 지속성은 다음과 같은 요소 속에 투영, 반영된다. 먼저 지형의 나즈막한 경사면을 이용한 반층(반지하) 높이로 열린 지하주차장은 자연채광과 환기를 확보한다. 외형적, 공동주거 파사드 특징을 보여주는 스틸메쉬 패턴과 우드버티컬은 무채색 노출콘크리트와 조화를 이루며 향후 전체 건축의 외벽면을 감싸게 될 덩굴식물의 자리를 형성한다. (여러분도 눈치채셨겠지만 이번 프로젝트는 적은 비용으로 쾌적한 거주환경을 구축하는데 있다. 그리하여 사용된 재료들은 별다른 가공없는-최소한의 가공처리, 발수처리, 피막처리-원재료가 사용된다.) 향후 자리할 덩굴식물은 마련된 버티컬우드, 스틸프레임과 더불어 내외부환경을 조절하는 필터막으로 제공, 거주성을 높인다. 편복도로 연결되는 각세대는 중심부에 위치한 워터존과 코어스페이스를 기점으로 두개의 서로다른 공간으로 구분된다. 1)출입구, 주방, 식당, 거실 2)두개의 침실, 세탁실을 포함하는 욕실은 사용자의 특성에 따라 결합, 분리 가능하도록 설계된다. 각 세대를 외부환경으로 부터 버퍼하는 발코니와 편복도는 이러한 내부환경의 지속성을 유지하는데 도움을 준다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Salou is a municipality in the Catalan coast of the South of Tarragona. 25 km far from the littoral zone emerges in parallel the Serra de Prades, with hills above 1.000 meters high. When water vapour coming from the sea meets these mountains it is forced to rise, losing temperature and condensing into precipitation. Water descends through the mountains’ steep slopes; it regulates its velocity passing across some valleys and is distributed, once more, into different torrents towards the sea, which cover the fertile plain. Profiting from orography, this periodic cycle has characterized agricultural production of the site. As a consequence, this landscape extends along the territory with the resources it is provided, which it adapts and interprets, by giving sense to that in different scales.

Architects: Toni Gironès
Location: , Tarragona,
Area: 8,672 sqm
Year: 2009
Photographs: José Hevia, Courtesy of Toni Gironès

Engineers Structures: Xavier Saura
Technical Architects: Brufau I Cusó S.L.P
Constructor: Tarraco Empresa Constructora S.A

The logic of the agricultural model and its interaction with natural cycles contrasts with the inhibition of urban growth models. From their point of view, territory is a physical space to be established, and the formal result usually responds to an imposed disposition. The competition before the commission asked for a design of 80 social housing apartments located in the extreme North of Salou. Originally thought to be a new urban mesh which stands out on pre-existing agricultural plots, the new place originates from the wide allotments that contain isolated houses, orthogonally arranged.

Planning rules defined two equal blocks in the corner of one of the plots which had to be in contact with the new park. Each one of the blocks occupied an area of 15×52 meters and accomplished favourable solar orientation in the interior portion.

Taking into account the previous premises, which question concepts of porosity and interaction with the environment and opt for a more impermeable territory that permits a quick urban growth, the proposal wonders about the intermediary spaces, the transitions, the threshold… like a bridge or a link to establish continuity and no stagnation, trying to open significantly and conceptually the limits between different realities.

Consequently, the project proposes a pattern with various intervention scales, with a social housing program which develops its relationship proprieties, by building an architecture thought as a support and close to users’ reality.

All four-story buildings contain ten apartments on each floor, so that three of them turn towards the backside and the other seven are aligned with the street. As a result, the block is divided into two parts and it designs the corners and the relationships between interior and external sides of the housing estate.

A faint slope separates the ground floors from the terrain, permitting the entrance of natural light and air in the parking area. In this sloping and honeysuckle covered floor a poplar grove is planted, so that, during the summer, it can provide a shelter from the sun of west while allowing the habitual Mistral wind blows in the region to cool the atmosphere.

At the same time, entries and community spaces are perceived as relationship spaces, intermediate zones between the dwellings and the external space. Therefore, we can conceive the walkway as a transition element, where a corrugated steel mesh responds to the program needs (railings, trellis, balconies, drop by drop irrigation…) with more or less density, allowing vegetable colonisations coupled with poplars in order to refresh some spaces which will be more appreciated for their orientation in the warm seasons.

The budget is optimized by presenting only one type of dwelling, which is articulated around a central space where wet areas and installations are concentred. These dwellings are subsequently divided into two different parts: 1) entry, kitchen, dining room, living room and 2) two bedrooms and bathroom including the washing area.

It is an apartment which takes advantage of two opposite orientations and it outlines a transversal sequence of spaces: walkway, house and terrace that provide versatility and adaptation tied to the use and climatic circumstances. The transition between these spaces contemplates their own condition regarding space, light and temperature. Consequently, we consider the dwelling to be porous and passing, as an element which coordinates the relationship between private and public external spaces. It consists of smaller holes in the walkway which canalize air, light and which control views; a wider opening towards the terrace, consisting of three parts: a step, a bench and a parapet which permit a support of two possible positions of the table. The terrace, which extends the space of the house, provides shadows and transparencies suggesting some passive systems of climatic control.

Finally, the proposal is built with simple, economic and low-maintenance materials and a careful disposition and execution. Materials are shown the way they are and respond to any specific functions, being able to evolve synchronically as time goes by, according to architectural conditions and accepting that life power, the unexpected that becomes habitual, prevails more than any expected planning.

from  archdaily


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