*칭다오 원예 엑스포 파빌리온 [ UNStudio ] central pavilion

2014 칭다오에서 개최되는 원예엑스포를 위한 테마 파빌리온은 엑스포의 케치플레이 '지구로 부터, 지구를 위해'를 실현하는 동시에 문화, 기술, 원예정보 공유를 위한 장으로 제안된다. 테마 파빌리온 디자인은 물류, 공간조직, 특화기술, 미래를 대비하는 가변성, 프로그래밍 기능, 지능형 파사드, 거주자의 안락함과 지속성을 통합하는 열린공간을 목표로 진행된다. 28,000스퀘어미터의 면적은 메인 엑스포홀, 그랜드 퍼포먼스홀, 컨퍼런스 센터, 미디어센터로 구성된다. 이러한 파빌리온의 건축적 제스쳐는 차이니스 로즈 '칭다오를 상징하는 꽃'로 부터 차용된 이미지를 건축공간에 투영한다. 4개의 파빌리온 또는 '꽃잎'으로 불리우는 각 공간들은 다양한 높이에서 역동적인 시퀀스를 연속시키는 내외부 관통통로에 연결되며 주변 랜드스케이프와 동화되며 커다란 꽃의 형상을 생성한다. 그리고 각 공간들은 (4월부터 10월까지 개최되는) 매월 계절의 테마에 부합되는 디자인으로 재구성 된다. (봄의 꽃, 여름의 차양, 가을의 열매, 겨울의 그린) 여기에 파빌리온의 외형적 특징을 보여주는 '레인보우 리본'은 버티컬 알루미늄 패널을 폴딩, 4가지 테마 컬러로 (그린, 엘로우, 오렌지, 블루) 표현된다. 세계적인 꽃의 축제답게 건축과 조경은 하나의 유기체로 거대한 식물화 된다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Ben van Berkel / UNStudio's Qingdao World Horticultural Expo Theme Pavilion completed

Following selection in the 2011 competition UNStudio's World Horticultural Expo Theme Pavilion in Qingdao has been realised.

The World Horticultural Expo 2014 takes place the Chinese city of Qingdao (from April to October 2014) and is expected to attract 15 million international visitors. The main theme of the expo is 'From the Earth, For the Earth' and aims to encourage the exchange of culture, technology and horticultural knowledge.

Client: Office of 2014 Qingdao World Horticultural Expo Executive Committee
Location: Qingdao, China

Building surface: 35.000 sqm
Building volume: 168.000 m3
Building site: 35.000 sqm
Programme: Main Expo Pavilion including Expo Hall, Grand Theater, Conference Center and Media Hub
Status: Realised

UNStudio: Ben van Berkel, Hannes Pfau, Gerard Loozekoot with Markus van Aalderen, Joerg Petri, Milena Stopic, Yu-Chen Liu and Cong Ye, Irina Bogdan, Xing Xiong, Maud van Hees, ShuoJiong Zhang, Philipp Mecke, Maya Alam, Junjie Yan, Gilles Greis, Subhajit Das, Erwin Horstmanshof, Faiz Zohri, Andrew Brown, Patrik Noomé, Amanda Chan, Nanang Santoso

Competition stage:
Landscape Architect: !melk landscape architecture PC, New York
Theater Advisor: Theateradvies bv, Amsterdam
Structure: Arup, Amsterdam
MEP: Arup, Hong Kong

Construction stage:
Structure engineering: Qingdao Architectural Design Institute (QUADI)
MEP engineering: Qingdao Architectural Design Institute (QUADI)
Façade engineering: Senyang Yuanda Aluminium Industry Engineering CO.,LTD-Special Project Group.
Lighting designers: Tsinghua Tongfang
Local Architect: Qingdao Architectural Design Institute Corporation

In its design for the Theme Pavilion UNStudio combines expert knowledge of logistics, spatial organisation, specialised typology, future flexible usability, function programming, facade intelligence, user comfort and sustainability.

The 28,000 square metre Theme Pavilion comprises the main Expo hall, a grand performance hall, a conference centre and a media centre. The architectural design gesture for the pavilion is borrowed from the shape of the Chinese rose - the city flower of Qingdao – and converted into the floor plan layout of the design.

The four pavilion volumes or 'petals' are connected by internal and external walkways and frame a central square which becomes a 'stage' for the visitors: a dynamic focal point surrounded by viewpoints on varying levels.

The Theme Pavilion operates as the platform for monthly programmed and seasonally themed activities, featuring flowers in spring, shading in summer, fruits in autumn and greens in winter.

"Rainbow Ribbons" provide the routing and infrastructure for the expo and permeate the surrounding landscape. This colour concept is further reflected in the facade elements which are constructed from vertically folded aluminium panels. The four theme colours (green, yellow, orange and blue) are applied along the lengths of the vertical folds, appearing and disappearing depending on the viewpoint.

The World Horticultural Expo will cover nearly 5 million square metres, encourage the participation of more than 100 countries and is expected to attract more than 6,000 visitors daily. In addition the Expo will function as a catalyst for other undertakings and initiatives in the city of Qingdao to improve the city quality as a whole.

Following the World Horticultural Expo 2014, the landscape art themed expo park will become a new venue for eco-tourism, which will shift the focus of Qingdao's tourism from sightseeing to leisure. Together with the organisers, UNStudio has incorporated a possible future lifecycle into the design of the Theme Pavilion by allowing a transformation of the buildings into a hotel building, accommodating conference and teaching facilities. As part of the design process, the future use of the Theme Pavilion is therefore incorporated into the DNA of the design.

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY