지속가능한 건축을 목표로 도시, 소셜, 그리고 주위환경에 응답하는 판타날 아레나는 금회 브라질 월드컵을 위한 다목적 경기장으로 제안된다. (특히 6월 18일 오전 7시, 우리 대한민국과 러시아의 첫경기가 열리는 곳으로 8강으로 가는 첫 신호탄이 될지 기대되는 장소이다.) 풍부한 자연환경과의 공존은 폐기물의 재활용과 승인된 목재의 사용 그리고 지역환경의 모니터링을 통한 지속성 유지에서 찾아 볼 수 있다. 무엇보다 또다른 공존; 지역주민과의 공존은 그들을 위한 플라자( 플레이 구역, 위킹트랙, 바, 레스토랑)와 새롭게 조성된 랜드스케이프 및 풀장의 다양한 공용공간으로 한정적인 스타디움 기능에서 확장된 도시공간을 보여준다. 이것은 FIFA 규정을 위해 설치된 42,968석 (최소 규정 40,000석) 중 27,000석을 가변적으로 축소하여 월드컵 이후 효율적인 운영관리를 위한 콘서트, 전시장, 페어, 기타 스포츠 활동등 다양한 이벤트 공간 확충과도 결부된다.
reviewed by SJ,오사
경기장 일정
B조 칠레-호주(6월14일 오전 7시)
H조 러시아-한국(18일 오전 7시)
F조 나이지리아-보스니아-헤르체고비나(22일 오전 7시)
C조 일본-콜롬비아(25일 오전 5시)
“Pantanal Arena represents our line of work, always supported by quality design and qualification requirements of urban, social and environmental responsibility,” says Sergio Coelho, a partner at BCP Architects and responsible for the project. Around the stadium, an area with more than 300 thousand square meters, citizens have access to a plaza with a play area, walking track, bars and a restaurant, as well as a landscape project with lots of greenery and a reflecting pool.
The issue of legacy can be exemplified by the flexibility of the
design. During the soccer tournament, the stadium will seat 42,968
spectators, given the minimum established by FIFA arenas where there are
40 000 spectators. However, as the structure is modular in the upper
bleachers of the northern and southern sectors, the government of Mato
Grosso can evaluate demand after the tournament and reduce the capacity
to 27,000 spectators and, consequently, reduce maintenance costs.
Covered, Pantanal Arena may also host diverse events such as concerts,
exhibitions, fairs, and other sports.
Architects: GCP Arquitetos
Location: Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brasil
Project Area: 300,000 sqm
Project Year: 2014
Photographs: Nelson Kon
Regarding sustainability solutions, the list is extensive, and includes
the reuse of water, natural ventilation, and the use of solar power. The
use of building materials and systems enabled LEED certification
(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), an international system
designed to verify and certify the environmental quality of a project.
hese are some of the eco-efficient solutions of Pantanal Arena:
Waste and Debris
Waste and debris undergo a process of recycling and reuse in the
project itself and its access roads. 24 000 m³ of concrete and masonry
from the demolished stadium in Palmeiras were reused.
Ecological Materials
The wood used in the building is certified, and we have used other
materials and services considered more environmentally friendly.
Architectural Design
The stadium looked for the best use of natural lighting and cross
ventilation, favoring energy efficiency. A more permeable and airy
architectural form, creating microclimates with vegetation, the use of
reflecting pools, and also the positioning of the building and the
field, protected from strong sunlight with an envelope with metal
louvers associated with a cast-glazed PVC membrane are part of a
project that provides significant reduction in energy use.
Cooling System
The cooling system includes equipment such as pumps, cooling towers,
chillers and air conditioners. With the cooling water that will
circulate throughout the Arena, the system will allow power savings of
15% per year, compared to common air conditioners used in homes.
Altogether, 160 devices cater to the HVAC system of the stadium.
Hydraulic systems will save approximately 40% of the consumption of a
similar building, mainly due to the use of ceramics and metals with a
controlled and reduced water flow. To achieve the reduction rate of
water consumption cited above, the Pantanal Arena will reuse part of
its effluent in order to integrate all its systems. It will reuse
rainwater captured by the stadium roof and the lawn for use in cooling
equipment, washing floors and vehicles, and discharges.
Approximately 1,500 trees and 300 shrubs were planted, that number could reach 2,500 trees after the World Cup, as after the end of the FIFA final some exterior areas will be planted. The large arboreal presence provides a pleasant micro climate in terms of temperature and humidity, as well as allowing a better return of stormwater to the ground, because the trees act as water reservoirs and natural drainage channels through their root systems. The value of this landscaping is extensive, but we certainly also think about the scenic beauty of the trees and their blossoms.
from archdaily