*캔틸레버 오디토리움 [ Benthem Crouwel Architects ] Hörsaalgebäude Osnabruck, Osnabruck, Germany

오디토리움 빌딩이 지향하는 목표는 캠퍼스내의 긴밀한 링크포인트를 형성, 유기적인 마스터플랜 실현과 이를 통해 구현되는 열린 교육공간 속 자유로운 배움의 장을 형성하는데 있다. 그를 위해 새롭게 조성되는 각 건물들은 캠퍼스 중심부에 위치하며 도서관, 식당, 오디토리움, 퍼블릭 캠퍼스로 거대한 포럼스페이스를 형성한다. 이중 역동적인 형상으로 캠퍼스 이정표 역활을 수행하는 오디토리움은 이러한 관계성의 중심에서 당연한 듯 저층부의 대부분을 -도로에 면한- 외부로 내어주며 두가지 양상, 보행자들의 안전하며 원활한 보행동선 확보와 역동적인 캔틸레버 스트럭쳐를 통한 건축물의 상징성 구축을 완성한다. 그리고 여기 오디토리움 내부는 공간을 통섭하는 아트리움이 주출입구에 위치, 그 후면으로 학생들을 위한 열린 공간들이 연속된 스텝 위에 자리한다. 건물의 생동감을 불어 넣는 또하나의 장치는 외부 파사드에 배색된 그린컬러와 매치를 이루는 펀칭 알루미늄 판넬로 마치 진동하는 듯한 촉감적인 시퀀스를 연출한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The Amsterdam and Aachen based outfit Benthem Crouwel Architects – well-known in the Netherlands for its ongoing project overhauling the major Dutch railway stations as well as the continuing work on Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport – has recently completed an auditorium building on a new college campus in Germany, to the north west of Osnabrück’s town centre.

‘The master plan was made by Lützow7 Landscape Architects from Berlin. It defines that the library and our auditorium building will be flanked by two other buildings in the future. These four buildings surround the so-called forum,’ explains partner and project architect Markus Sporer. ‘In order to create a strong connection between the forum and the more open spaces of the campus beyond, we cut the building open from below.’

By virtue of this simple gesture, the architects have created a dramatic cantilever, drawing and guiding visitors along the campus. Inside, the architects have inserted a ‘learning landscape’ – a building-wide, stepped tribune that aims to cater to today’s increasingly connected, informal and ad-hoc studying practices. Its position, rising from the entrance atrium gives it a more prominent space then the more conventional seminar and lecture rooms clustered at the back. The façade comprises a green foil covered by perforated aluminium panels, in order to keep its appearance ‘fresh and thrilling’.

Furthermore, the building’s prominent position on the campus compensates for its monofunctionality. ‘The auditorium building benefits greatly from the fact that it lies between the canteen, library, campus space and forum, in the very centre of the new campus. However, it is the only building that provides an explicitly new spatial interpretation of learning,’ Sporer concludes.

from  frameweb


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