*도심재생, 워터 프론트 [ ASPECT Studios ] Hart’s Mill Surrounds

변화하는 도시 패러다임은 작금의 영광은 뒤로, 이제는 전시대의 유물로 전락해 버린 거대한 인더스트리얼 빌딩을 다시 도시공용공간을 위해 재생시킨다. 호주 애들레이드 부두에 위치한 곡물 가공 공장 지대의 역사적인 공간은 이제 지역 주민들의 다양한 소셜활동을 위한 레크레이션 스페이스, 피크닉, 바베큐 등으로 제공된다. 여기 혁신적인 플레이 스페이스는 기존공간의 흔적을 재구성한 엘로우 파이프를 통해 구부러지고 휘어지며 이곳을 나타내는 슈퍼 그래픽으로, 그네로, 정글짐으로, 철봉으로 디자인 된다. 무엇보다 이를 통해 재생된 워터프론트는 매력적인 도시공간으로 제공, 환원된다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

ASPECT Studios has delivered a new, vibrant and attractive public realm for the Hart’s Mill Surrounds in Port Adelaide. Located adjacent to the wharf and with the backdrop of one of Adelaide’s most iconic heritage listed industrial buildings, the new space includes extensive new grassed recreation areas with trees, picnic and BBQ areas as well as multifunctional spaces for events and markets.
An innovative new play space themed around the site’s flour milling history is a key feature of the site. Its design draws on references of the numerous port trade activities in the wharf precinct and has been developed as a play facility aimed to have a regional level of attraction. The existing rail line has been retained and celebrated in its original state to maintain a reference to the past and the port’s important role as an export hub. The rail line is flanked by raised green platforms designed as vessels containing new park spaces within what is a highly modified and contaminated site.
The project has been delivered as a premier destination within a suite of ‘early win’ interventions that have been rolled out around the port with the aim of increasing visitation and providing greater access and amenity to the waterfront.

Client: Renewal SA
Location: Port Adelaide, SA, Australia
Landscape Architects/Lead Consultant: ASPECT Studios
Team: ASPECT Studios, Mulloway Studio, LUCID Consulting, SMEC Australia, HydroPlan
Year: 2014
Budget: $2.1 million
Photographer: Don Brice

from  landezine


Designed by JB FACTORY