*리버사이드 파크 [ Topiaris Landscape Architecture ] Tagus Linear Park

타구스 리니어 파크는 서로 다른 2개 공간의 타이폴로지로 구성된다. 일반적인 모래 퇴적물로 이루어진 강가; '어부의 해변'으로 불리우는 다목적 공간과 거친 도로를 따라 연장된 6km의 산책로 및 도시와 자연을 연결하는 물길로 구성된다. 그리고 이 해변가와 자연은 700m 거리의 우드패널 브릿지로 연결된다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The Tagus Linear Park combines two different typologies of spaces: A single multifunctional area named ‘PRAIA DOS PESCADORES’ (FISHERMEN’S BEACH), set by the riverside within a former sand deposit, and 6 km of PEDESTRIAN TRAILS associated with dirt roads, waterlines banks (streams and drainage ditches), which converge to Praia dos Pescadores, coming from urban and natural areas. The connection between the ‘beach’ and natural areas is made through a 700m long raised wooden path by which a Bird Observatory built from old pallets can be reached.

Tagus Linear Park - Topiaris Landscape Architecture from Joao Morgado on Vimeo.

Landscape Architecture: Topiaris landscape architecture
Authors: Luis Ribeiro, Teresa Barão, Catarina Viana
Design Team: Ana Lemos, Elsa Calhau, João Oliveira, Rita Salgado, Sara Coelho

Architecture: Atelier Difusor de Arquitectura
Author: Olavo Dias
Design Team: Pedro Santos, Sérgio Marques, António Marciano

International Competition winner: 2012
Photos & Video: © Joao Morgado

Project name: Tagus Linear Park
Location: Póvoa de Santa Iria, Portugal
Area: 15 ha
Client: Municipality of Vila Franca de Xira
Completion date: July 2013

from  landezine


Designed by JB FACTORY