*스톡홀름, 워터 광장 [ Sweco architects ] Sjövikstorget

물위의 도시 스톡홀름. 도시 랜드스케이프는 열도의 집합체로 이루어 진다. Sjövikstorget광장은 이러한 도시환경을 투영하며 바다로 열린 퍼블릭 스페이스를 조성한다. 화강석 패턴 광장 및 커다란 두개의 잔디를 기점으로 동측, 서측 두개의 산책로 -약 100미터 길이의 우드데크로 조성된- 가 위치한 광장은 지역주민들의 일광욕을 위한 선데크로(서측), 바다를 감상, 조망하는 산책공간으로 활용된다. (동측 우드데크는 약 40미터의 길이로 소형선박이 정박할 수 있는 부두역활을 수행한다.) 태생적인 도시환경은 물과의 공생을 생활공간 속에 투영시키며 지역적인 캐릭터를 구체화한다. 이는 일반화 오류로 인한 공간의 이원화를 방지하며 보다 밀착된 공간의 사용을 유도한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Stockholm is a city on the water. The city landscape is an archipelago consisting of a mosaic of hilly, convex islands. This is the essential quality of the Swedish capital. Sjövikstorget square makes use of this quality. It opens up towards the water and thus includes the larger landscape in its design. To underscore this basic idea, the square is laid out as a flat plane which has then been tilted 3 % towards the view. Two recreational lawns furnish the upper part, outlined with a broad granite edge for seating.

Landscape Architecture: Thorbjörn Andersson with Sweco architects
Team: PeGe Hillinge, Jimmy Norrman.
Area: 12 000 sqm
Location: Sjövikstorget square / Årstadal / Stockholm / Sweden
Client: City of Stockholm.
Cost: 3,5 million Euro
Opened: 2010.

Two 100 meter long wooden boardwalk promenades frame the plaza and direct the view. They have a Y-shaped configuration, where the western leg steps down towards the water in series of sun terraces. The eastern leg is a pier which passes the quay edge by 40 meters, hovering over the water.
To balance the openness of the triangular square, an equally triangular grove of semi-transparent Gleditsia trees has been added at the western perimeter of the plaza. The trees stand in a gravel surface, which also hosts a small playground and lanes for bouclé games. The grove transcends into a sunken garden with horticultural content, shadowed by cherry trees.

To borrow a distant landscape with the help of a framed view is a classic technique that the Japanese masters would use in their garden design. Sometimes the strongest feature of a site actually lies outside its borders.

from  landezine


Designed by JB FACTORY