*아크마니 레기안 호텔 [ TWS Partners ] Akmani Legian

대지의 한정적인 조건은 호텔을 특성화하는 요인으로 '아이콘 패시지'; 도시와 건축을 연결하는 독특한 건축환경을 구성한다. 이러한 대지상황은 리니어한 공간을 생성, 불과 5미터 밖에 연접하지 않는 전면부로 부터 연속된 공간; 도시공간으로 부터 확장된 보행로를 호텔 내부를 연결시키는 동선이자 공용 공간으로 호텔 깊숙히 도시공간을 유입시킨다. 이렇게 유입된 공용공간; 보행로는 지형에 따라, 건축물의 스텝에 따라 레벨을 달리하며 내부 깊숙히 자리한 루프 가든 라운지에서 클라이막스를 이룬다. 호텔을 구축하는 디자인 요소는 로컬디자인이 적용된 백색의 케라왕 벽돌과 거친-가공되지 않은- 나무를 이용함으로써 주변과 이원화되지 않는 연속된 공간감을 이끌게 된다. -케라왕 벽돌은 호텔의 독특한 파사드 디자인으로 아이텐티한 건축환경을 구현하는 동시에 풍부한 자연광과 자연환기를 내부로 유입시키는 패시브 디자인을 구축한다.-

reviewed by SJ,오사


The Akmani Legian simply stands as an “Iconic Passage” for Kuta, especially in Legian area. The design intention is to link the Legian Street in front with the Banesari Street behind. This issue derives from the local life style which is familiar with lively pedestrian, both during day and night.


Architects: TWS Partners
Location: Legian, , Badung, Bali,
Shortlisted At World Architecture Festival 2013: Hotel Category
Area: 3165.0 sqm
Year: 2012
Photographs: Courtesy of TWS Partners

As the surrounding becomes clustered with business of private property, shops, restaurants and pubs, the access between the Legian Street and Banesari Street becomes less flexible for the pedestrian. With our design concept, we want to provide a flexibility of movement by creating a passageway between Legian Street and Banesari Steet as access for the pedestrian.

The site is very unique, with only 5 meters width of opening both from the Legian Street and Banesari Street, but very spacious in the center area. The design states vigorously to attract public from the streets to come in. Not only to have enjoyment in the programs, but also to let them walk along that “Iconic Passage” as an opportunity for the public to move more flexibly around Legian area. The spacious center area is used as a courtyard which also acts as the view orientation of the surrounding. The mass in the northern and southern part of the land is then raised. On top of the northern part is the Roof Garden Lounge which also becomes the public mingles point, while the southern part is used for Villas. The spaces under the Roof Garden Lounge and Villas are then filled by building mass of Guest Rooms.

The circulation journey starts with 5m width entrances which bridge the lively main streets with the more serene Lobby area of the hotel. The circulation is then directed towards the Roof Garden Lounge where people can enjoy the view of the Kuta Beach. While the northern part of the building is open for public access, the southern part of the building is a more private area for Villas.

Natural sunlight and natural fresh air are also important in the design process. Because of the geographical position of the site is located at slightly South of the Equator line, the sun path direction comes from the South. The mass in the Southern part is cut off to maximize the amount of the sunlight into the courtyard, in the same time creating a theatre like space to attract the public towards the building.

The material used in the design is chosen to promote the usage of local material. Some local materials used in the projects are Kerawang Brick and rustic wood, combined with clear glass and greeneries. Kerawang brick is a ventilation brick with local pattern. This usage of local material is developed with new method and technology to create a new form of pattern and looks. The example of the treatment can be seen in the façade at the courtyards. The shape of the façade outline is adapted from the natural environment in Bali, like mountain, hills, and building of local belief like Pure. This outline is achieved by using a steel plate frame to support the Kerawang Brick which allows the combination of few patterns into one new pattern creating a vibrant and dynamic façade with a light, see-through effect from the ventilation brick.

The use of the Kerawang brick also creates spaces that are open, allowing natural sunlight and fresh air into the building. Therefore, the public areas, for example Lobby, Corridor, and Restaurant are naturally ventilated. Upon the idea of “Iconic  Passage”, we elaborate the idea to transform the passage into an open and green feel to balance the whole design purpose.

To conclude, the design of the Akmani Legian emphasize on the local preservation, which is shown in few points. First is by presenting the idea of pedestrian walkway which is by adapting the pedestrian movement with the building circulation. Second point is by presenting green roof surface as the act of sustaining the natural environment. This green roof surface is to replace the existing green area that is used for the building mass. Lastly is the selection of material which promotes the usage of local material in a new treatment creating a building with a local tradition in a modern setting.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY