*레고 터키 오피스 [ O.S.O Mimarlık Tasarım ] Lego Turkey, Trump Towers, Istanbul

터키 이스탄불에 위치한 레고 오피스는 브랜드의 아이텐티 확보와 효율적인 비즈니스 환경 구축을 목표로 시작된다. 이러한 공간구성은 잉여 공간의 최소화, 소셜 스페이스의 최소화를 목표로 오픈 플랜 속에 플렉서블한 사무공간을 연속적으로 배치, 두개의 다목적 공간; 공용복도을 통해 컴팩트하게 연결 된다. 별도로 구획되지 않는 오피스는 이러한 다목적 공간?을 통해 효율적인 동선확보와 소셜활동을 보장하며 출입홀과 미팅룸을 직접 연결하는 막힘없는 비즈니스 플랜을 완성한다. 여기 레고블록으로 부터 투영된 인테리어 디자인; 비비드 컬러와 슈퍼그래픽은 다목적 공간의 고유한 캐릭터 구축을 통해 레고 아이텐티를 구축한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Lego Turkey is located in Mecidiyekoy, Istanbul with their offices within an area of 350 sqm. The location as the first office of the company located in Turkey has a staff consisting of 23 personnel.

The reception and the small meeting room are located close to the entrance and at the center, while the open office areas are located next to these places. All of the manager and director offices have been planned to be along the facade due to their natural light and view advantage.

Lego Turkey, Trump Towers, Istanbul
Program: office
Architects: O.S.O Mimarlık Tasarım
Design Team: Okan Bayik / Serhan Bayik / Ozan Bayik
Area: 350 sqm
Completion: 2014

The social areas in the office have been kept to a minimum because of the services provided by the building where the offices are located and abovementioned compact planning setup. In this sense two multipurpose loggias have been designed. These spaces are intended for both socialization, and also the informal meetings in the office. In addition, there is a large meeting room on the right side of the entrance hall and at a directly accessible position. This meeting room for 14 persons is connected to a storage area that allows for brand product display.

The interior design has been inspired from the Lego products to strengthen the emphasis on the belonging to the brand identity of the designed spaces. In this respect, the entrance hall and the ceiling of the reception have been designed in Lego Brick form. In addition, Lego Minifigures have been used both on the walls and also on glass partitions.

Lego’s corporate colors have been used on different surfaces and in different forms in all places, and a kind of harmony has been achieved in the interior design. In addition, acoustic comfort has been increased by taking special acoustic measures throughout the office. In this respect, high-density rockwool panels have been used for the open office ceilings. These panels have been integrated with luminaries thanks to the designed hanging and connection details and have been transformed into design elements. Moreover, double-glazing has been applied to all of the room partitions, and for all enclosed volumes – different from the open office – carpets have been used, and thus, acoustic comfort has been increased.

from  domusweb


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