*코워킹 비즈니스 인큐베이터 환경 [ bureau faceB ] Offices Business Incubato

인큐베이터 오피스의 지향점은 플렉서블한 비즈니스 환경을 통한 경계없는 코업 활동 증대와 이를 통한 시너지 창출에 있다. 이는 계층적 하향식 업무체계로 부터 변화된 수평적 협업업무 관계를 이야기 하는 것으로 빠르게 변화하는 비즈니스 패러다임의 적절한 수용에서 기인한다. 또한 개별적인 업무공간 동시다발적인 쌍방향 업무공간을 지향하므로써 인큐베이터 오피스가 추구하는 공유의 대전제를 만족시키게 된다. 여기서 공간은 불필요한 잉여공간을 최소한으로 하며 쾌적한 업무공간 및 거주환경 개선을 위해 심플해지며 컴팩트해 진다. 단순한 내측, 외측 파사드는 합리적인 공간을 위한 그이상의 것들도 허용하지 않으며 적절한 공간의 크기를 구획한다. 여기 적절한 내부환경 조성을 위해 실 깊이는 제한되며 알파벳 'E'와 같은 배치로 2개의 중정을 가진 오피스가 완성된다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The world of work

Work has changed nowadays in the tertiary sector. We have gone from a very hierarchical style in the 80s, to teamwork, from a vertical organisation to a more transversal one. Today, work is performed in a more autonomous way. The employee favours a more individual initiative, by creating its own network. Each assignment leads him to imagine new and different connections. What we believe is the most important aspect of this work organisation are the links and crossings between different workers. The work is the fruit of relationships between partners united around a common goal. In architecture, this results in layouts such as patios, circulation spaces with windows to the outside, many places that allow to gather and meet. These places, by providing a physical and social comfort to the worker, allow him even better to project himself into the virtual network.

Architects: bureau faceB
Location: , France
Associate Architects: Ateliers
Area: 17541.0 sqm
Year: 2013
Photographs: Vincent Fillon, Jonathan Alexandre

Adapting spaces to the function

Through the programme of white offices, we identified different needs that match various uses: the need of meeting rooms, of a certain number of partitioned offices, and of course, open spaces and service blocks. To each of these spaces are assigned characteristics: circulations become transversal spaces creating meetings – it is a street in the building that is open to the outside and serves different elements of the programme and patios; technical blocks do not need daylight and therefore, take place in dark hearts; work places are distinguished but keep a high degree of modularity; work cells are integrated in the circumference of the building, thus benefiting from natural light; and meeting rooms become counterparts of outdoor patios.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY