*쌍파울로 지역문화 센터 [ André Jost Mafra + Natasha Mendes Gabriel + Thaís Polydoro Ribeiro ] Cultural Warehouse for the Plínio Marcos School of Art and Culture

쌍파울로 북서부지역, Dyke Gilda Santos의 문화활동 증대를 위한 아트 앤 대중문화 하우스, Plinio Marcos School 는 약 22,000 지역주민들 소셜활동을 보장한다. 쇼, 콘서트, 이벤트, 워크샵과 지역경제문화 발전을 위한 기술교육, 대중문화 육성, 창의, 기업정신 및 커뮤니티 지속성과 같은 다양한 활동을 지원한다. 전체 690sqm 면적에 첫번째 스테이지는 컬쳐웨어하우스로 다양한 핵심공간이 자리한다. -어드민, 서비스, 워크샵, 프로덕션 스튜디오, 멀티 미디어룸, 테라스, 중정, 다목적실- 여기에 100명 수용 가능한 다목적실은 하우스 이벤트, 컬쳐쇼, 영화 등 다양한 프로그램을 수용하는 동시에 야외공연과의 확장을 위해 중정으로 확장 가능하다. 두번째 스테이지는 컬쳐스페이스의 확장 프로그램으로 워크샵, 리딩룸, 바-카페테리아, 샵, 그리고 Plinio Marcos의 작품을 소장하는 전시장으로 구성된다.

reviewed by SJ,오사


The Plinio Marcos School of Art and Popular Culture houses the activities of the Art Institute in Dike, an NGO active since 2002 in the Town Dyke Gilda Santos in the Northwest Zone, an area with about 22 000 inhabitants living in precarious conditions, with most houses on stilts on the edge of the swamp.


Architects: , , Thaís Polydoro Ribeiro
Location: Santos – São Paulo, Brasil
Project Area: 687.63 m2
Project Year: 2012
Photographs: Joana França

Visual Programming: Francisco Freitas
Structure: Pedro Marcão
Electrical, Plumbing, And Hvac: Alex Sandro Correia
Construction: Engeterpa
Suppliers: Estrutura metálica – Pruden art Metalurgica Ltda; Impermeabilização – Vedacit; Esquadrias e pisos de Madeira – Madereira Portal Kit; Vidros – DS Vidros; Portão Guilhotina – Cobmetal; Portas anti-som – Atenuasom; Elevador – Elevatec; Ar condicionado – Termotec
Site Area: 1600 m²

The project is a reference to this area of the city, making it an important cultural center for the promotion of shows, concerts, events, workshops, and technical training, fostering popular culture, creativity, entrepreneurship, and community sustainability.

With 690m2 of built area, the first stage of the project is the Cultural Warehouse, which houses the vital functions of the Institute in the area of administration, services, workshops and production studio, multimedia room, terrace, courtyard and a multipurpose room.

A multipurpose room with capacity for 100 people was designed to house events, cultural shows and movies with adaptive lighting and scenic design for every occasion. Events can be opened to the courtyard for outdoor concerts and performances.

The media space is another attraction of the project, the Gilberto Gil Cyberspace, a memorial to the godfather of the Institute, along with a collection of music and videos from Brazilian popular culture.

In the second stage, the project includes expanding the areas of workshops, reading room, bar-cafeteria, shop and exhibition area with a collection from the writer and playwright Plinio Marcos.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY