*건축산책로의 재해석, 에이비씨 사옥 [ Wise Architecture ] ABC office block_Perforated brick stairwells front

건축적 산책로, 어반 픽쳐 프레임 생성을 인도하다. 와이즈 건축 스튜디오 최근작 ABC 사옥의 독특한 파사드가 던지는 화두는 건축과 도시와의 관계성 맺기에 대한 질문에서 시작된다. 주위의 모든 빛을 흡수하는 다크 그레이 컬러와 벽돌 자체의 질감 그리고 이러한 것들을 합성, 구축하는 조적술은 내외부를 경계 짓는 물리적인 보호막이자, 도시와 건축의 관계성을 적나라하게 보여주는 매개 장치로 제안된다. 이러한 매개장치는 지면으로 부터 건축물의 옥상을 연결하는 외부계단의 가림막이자 선정릉의 역사적인 뷰포인트를 확보하는 펀칭된 파사드로 내부 프로그램 및 동선의 움직임에 따라 조적의 쌓기를 달리, 공극을 발생시킨다. 이를 통해 동적인 시선은 막힘없이 이동하며 내외부 공간을 연속, 건축물 곳곳에 이러한 접점공간- 어반 픽쳐 프레임-을 생성시킨다. 궁극적으로 도시 속에 내재된 자연 및 역사적 시간은 건축이 생성하는 프레임 속에 거대한 그림으로 이곳을 여행하는 히치하이커에게 선물되어 진다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Perforated brick walls front this Seoul office block by Wise Architecture, flanking staircases that lead up to a rooftop terrace with views of a nearby historic park

Known as the ABC Building, the six-storey office block is located within a network of narrow streets that borders the western side of Seonjeongneung park – a Unesco World Heritage Site containing three royal tombs from the Joseon Dynasty.

Photography is by Chin Hyosook.

Architect: Wise Architecture
Design Participation: Junghoon Lee

This prompted South Korean studio Wise Architecture to develop a concept for an "architectural mountain", where occupants that climb up to the top are rewarded with a vantage point over the scenic setting.

"The roof of the building suddenly opens up a view to the beautiful landscape of the park," said Wise Architecture.

A sloping site allowed the architects to give the building two ground-level floors. The lower level functions as a car park, but has a small workspace along one edge, while the upper level starts off the series of five dedicated office floors.

There are no internal staircases, as Wise Architecture instead chose to connect the floors with external stairs that zigzag across the facade behind the layered series of perforated brick walls.

"These five stair alleys are cascaded like small stream falls or stepped wall gardens," said the architects.

Perforations only feature on some sections of the walls, creating a stepped profile that gives a false impression of the scale of the staircases behind.

Reinforced concrete floor slabs and a steel framework give the building its structure, and the architects chose to use black brickwork for all of the exterior walls. Glazing is concentrated on the north-east elevation.

Inside, wooden flooring contrasts with exposed concrete ceilings that reveal all of their mechanical services and lighting fixtures.

Each floor opens out to a balcony or terrace, allowing employees to take time out from their work, while the uppermost level, which is used as a meeting room, features its own secluded garden.

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY