*바이오닉 파크 빌딩, 아카데미와 비즈니스의 코워킹 생태환경을 생성하다 [ Tatiana Bilbao ] Bioinnova

기하학적인 건축의 외형은 자의적인 해석으로 구현된 자기만족이 아닌 아카데미와 비즈니스가 결합된 합성공간에 대한 객관적인 기능공간의 발현이자 건축가의 고민이 고스란히 묻어나는 흔적의 산물이다. 로컬지역내 확장된 학술은 더이상 캠퍼스에 머물지 않고 지역경제 문화와 결합되며 멕시코 국립 농업기술대학이 지향하는 첨단과학 영농화에 대한 구체적인 실현의 장을 위한 토대로 제공된다. -또하나의 코업 스페이스가 생성된다. 방대한 정보를 바탕으로 하는 대학의 학술 및 기술과 실질적인 구현을 위한 지역경제가 만나 진보적이며 혁신적인 생태환경을 구성한다.- 이를 위해 건축물은 플렉서블리티가 뛰어난 직사각형태의 공간을 바탕으로 아이텐티 플로어와 인테리어 프로그램 및 선쉐이딩이 반영된 시프트 플로어로 구성된다. 레벨에 따라 엇각배치된 공간은 아카데미와 비즈니스의 효율적인 접점형성과 각 개별적인 작업공간을 확보함으로써 건축물의 지향점을 분명히 한다. 또한 다이나믹한 시퀀스를 통해 생성되는 건축의 캐릭터는 거대한 나무와 같이 생명공학에 대한 메타포를 충실히 표현한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Culiacán, one of the campus of the largest national private university system in Mexico, commissioned us to design a new biotechnological park building, that could work as link between academic and business environments in the state of Sinaloa.

This Mexican state stands out for its agricultural production, because of this, the university wanted a building that could bring together academic research and student work with the development of new technologies in professional life, giving space to corporations.

Architects: Tatiana Bilbao
Location: , Sinaloa,
Area: 6260.0 sqm
Year: 2012
Photographs: Iwan Baan

Partners: David Vaner, Catia Bilbao
Design Team: Tatiana Bilbao, Francisco Solorzano, Ludwig Godefroy, Juan Pablo Benlliure, Edward O’Donell, Daniela Alatorre, Diana Eliza Figueroa, Marisol Serafin, Gabriela Puente, Mariano Castillo, Edward O’Donnell

The building was designed to considered academic and professional life as a growing tree. The entire program related to the university is located in the building “roots” while professional program grows on the top of it. Following the requirements of such a facility, the program was translated into open geometric spaces.

Each level works technological and aesthetically with a specific sustainable system. In the end each part “produces” something to keep the building working by itself.

We where asked to do a flexible most rectangular space, so we decided to do identical floors and shift them accordingly to interior program and sun shading, except one floor, that was shifted 180 degrees because it holds the most important program in the building: the accelerator and incubator, where students can have an office and the university will help them improving and connecting their business to achieve the level of a profitable company.

This floor has as well a different façade treatment, becoming a sunscreen that was designed in collaboration with young artists Rodolfo Diaz and Marco Rountree.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY