*봄베이 사파이어, 술이 아닌 꽃으로 피어나다 [ Thomas Heatherwick ] gin distillery for Bombay Sapphire opens

인상적인 시퀀스를 생성하는 두개의 글래스하우스; 유리온실은 기존 공간에 대한 존중과 이를 현재의 장소에 연결하는 매개체로 제안된다. 잉글랜드 유명한 주류회사 제조공장에 새롭게 유리온실이 설치된다. 기존 빅토리아 양식의 붉은 벽돌 건물과 대조를 이루는 온실의 독특한 형상은 기존 건축물로 부터 뿜어져 나오는 증기처럼 한줄기의 스틸파이프가 대지와 만나며 확산된 형태를 띈다. 특히 재미 있는 사실은 이 유리온실을 유지하는 뜨거운 공기가 술 제조과정에 분출되는 잉여의 증기를 이용한다는 점과 이곳에서 키우는 열대식물과 지중해에 자생하는 여러가지 식물들이 여기 봄베이 사피이어를 제조하는 주원료로 매치된다는 점이다. 제조공장의 이미지 쇄신을 위한 형식적인 디자인 공간이 아닌 브랜드 이미지를 재고하는 동시에 지속가능한 건축환경을 구현한다는 특징이 이번 프로젝트에서 특히 주목할만한 지점으로 보여진다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

British designer Thomas Heatherwick has completed work on a new complex for gin company Bombay Sapphire in Hampshire, England, including two sculptural glasshouses that are heated using warm air created during the distilling process

Heatherwick, whose high profile projects include the 2012 Olympic Cauldron and the British pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo 2010, has completed a renovation of a cluster of existing red brick buildings at Laverstock Mill and added two glasshouses for growing plants that are used to flavour the gin produced by Bombay Sapphire.

Photograph by Iwan Baan

The existing buildings at the complex, which formally opens this week, were built during the Victorian era to house a mill that produced paper for English bank notes. The buildings were later abandoned and left derelict until the complex was bought by Bombay Sapphire, the gin brand owned by alcoholic drinks giant Bacardi, who commissioned Heatherwick to overhaul the site, creating a new distillery and visitors' centre.

"For the studio this is the first time that we've had the chance to build in Britain," said Heatherwick, who described the restoration work as an "honour".

"The ideas for this project all came from an awareness of the ambition and energy that the Georgians and Victorians had who built the site that surrounds us. Working with Bombay Sapphire there was a confidence together to insert something completely new," he said.

Two curving glass greenhouses form the major new additions to the site. Hot air is channeled into the greenhouses through large pipes clad in strips of metal, picking up heat produced during the distillation process and carrying it out through openings in the red-brick walls of one of the existing buildings.

"They use the excess heat from the gin house behind, so that's why they have these kind of umbilical connections," explained Heatherwick.

The strips of metal around the pipes separate out as they swoop up and then descend down towards the waters of the River Test, forming the frames of the glasshouses.

One greenhouse is dedicated to growing tropical plants, and the other to Mediterranean species – together providing growing areas for key botanical ingredients used in creating Bombay Sapphire gin.

"The two glass houses have been built so we can house all 10 of the Bombay Sapphire botanicals," said Chris Cotterell, horticulturist for Bombay Sapphire. "The reason we have two is because those botanicals come from all over the world so the plants have different conditions that they need to survive."

from  dezeen


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